Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by for the Parade of Homes blog hop!
House of Smith's is a fun new blog my husband, Cason and I started in order to track the cosmetic part of our families progress on our home remodel and design style, shift! As a full time stay at home Mom of three beautiful girls and running a small business from home, I have found a new appreciation for the beauty and upkeep of my house! And as each day goes by, and a new project gets done the phrase "Love the Space You're In" becomes more and more meaningful to me!
I often try to find new fun ways to update, change, and decorate our "space" on a budget. There's something to be said about finishing a great project in your home, looking back, and saying to each other...
"WE did that !!!"
The House of Smiths blog is my way to share, inspire, and learn from our new attempts at tackling projects on our very long list of "things to do!"
At the Smith house, our motto is... "Making a house, our HOME... one space at a time!"
For my regular readers, some of this might be repeat. But there's a lot of NEW fun projects that we have been working on, that I waited till NOW to reveal
The three spaces that I have chosen to show are:
The Laundry Room