
UTA TRAX Event for Mid-Jordan Lines

This past week I was invited by my good friend Tauni, (UTA's social media manager) to take a little VIP ride on the new UTA TRAX line, that now runs from Historical Gardner Village to Daybreak! Our family loves TRAX and we ride frequently to save on gas, here in SLC. So we were THRILLED to find out that these new stations were so close to being finished! Let me just say that Daybreak (where Grandma & Grandpa's house is) and Gardner Village (where some of the best shopping is) will now be two prime TRAX stops for us.

You can read more about this event in this article that was run in the Salt Lake Tribune and find out about some other fun events to celebrate these two new stations by visiting the UTA site.

All of the kids invited had a BLAST! Train whistles and all. In fact, we ended up going to the lake that same weekend and Jocelynn wore her "train hat" the entire trip. ha!
Thanks so much, UTA and Tauni, for throwing such a great event!


  1. I was just in Salt Lake and thought that was such a cool train to take!! I wish San Antonio had something like this!

  2. Gosh Shelley, your girls are so adorable! Always dressed to the nines! Must be so fun to dress three little girls! ;) Looks like everyone had fun! So envious that you all live close enough to hang out! I have recently rounded up a group of creative bloggers from the Southeast and we are planning a weekend meetup this fall! Yay! See you at SNAP!

  3. I'm sure you have better things to do...but, do you have favorite places to shop at up there?

    I'm from California but I'm driving up with my family in a week. We don't have hobby lobby? I've heard of the fabric shop "what a girl wants." Any other suggestions? Where do you shop for vintage-y things...like your wooden window frame in your laundry room.

    Thanks, Amber (amberpitt@gmail dot com)

  4. Awesome you guys will be on MCC! Looking forward to it in the Fall. Beautiful girls also.

  5. so darn fun, my kids would love to ride on a train.

    P.S. I noticed you are a .com... can you fill me or us in on how you did it, or who you used. I would so appreciate it. thanks, winks-jen

  6. I spy Amy from DB! I wish I could've met you too!!

  7. I'm now following your blog. sharon dot gullikson at gmail dot com

  8. Wow. I stumbled across your blog today and I am SO glad that I did! Hello from your newest follower!



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