
EVO Conference Recap

A few weekends back I packed my bags and headed towards Park City Utah with a gaggle of other bloggers for the EVO 2011 conference.WOW. It was AWESOME!
There were lots of fabulous speakers, classes, sponsors, old friends and fellow new friends, like:
Alison and ShelleyMelissaCherylKimGinaLori, & Tsh
 to socialize with! And let's not forget the BEAUTIFUL scenery that Park City itself has to offer.
Instead of posting a ton of pictures, I threw together a little video of some of my favorite shots and moments.

PS. I even dragged Cason along with me to this conference for one night.
Needless to say...
He was a good sport.  hee hee
And the other "actor dude" who jumped in this picture with us... well...
I have no words.


  1. Seriously looks so fun. Daaang girl!

  2. Looks like it was a wonderful time and makes me SO intimidated to go to such an event. When I can recognize 90% of the people in your video it honestly makes me wonder if there is room for others... dang!... it is totally like not being the popular girl in highschool.. gads.. 6 kids and 40 something years and you would think I would be past that!


  3. You are always the life of the party...and it shouldn't be any other way! ;)

  4. LOL - I loved seeing all of those pictures. It was SO much fun spending time with you. I adore you!!


  5. LOVED your video...so fun! Aww, makes me miss Creative Estates and makes me so jealous of Snap, so wish I was going to see you again!

  6. So fun! I love your pink ruffle shirt and I'll have to show Abby the picture of you with Elmo. She'll love it!

  7. OMG! YOU SAW ELMO!?!?! Haha, that is what my little Mimi just said (4). That looked like a ton of fun! I will have to make it a point to go and meet you one day.

  8. Looks like a great time!
    You are talented at making these videos!

  9. Shelley, could this slide show be any cuter?! Could you be any cuter?! Thanks for posting this. Made my day. :) -The other Shelley {howdoesshe.com}

  10. So much stinkin fun! Don't you think we need regular dance parties? I do. So much cheaper than a therapist. (and then we can stay up and do therapy for everyone until 3am.....why do we always choose 3am?) Anyway, this is fantastic, and makes me giggle all over again. You rule!

  11. Oh my goodness girl! So much fun! Thanks for making me smile again. Good times with new and old friends! Love Ya!

  12. I was SOOOO thrilled finally getting to meet you Shelley!

    I missed out on most of the dancing......but I DO have some good video of some of you if you want it I can text it to ya! {wink}

  13. Can not wait to see you on my craft channel. Love your blog and now following.


  14. Love seeing this post, all of your posts really, like sleep away camp for grownup girls!

  15. I'm sorry for being completely off topic, which I usually am - but I need to know about that purse you're rockin!


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