
Meaghan Smith LOVE

Okay... so can I tell you that since THIS post... I've been looking for some great "work" music.
You know... when I'm sitting at my desk, pluggin' away at vinyl orders and emails.
Just something that is fun, soothing, sing-a-long-able... lol.
And guess what???
I found it :)
I'm obsessed with this girl.  Really.

"A Little Love"
was the first song I heard form Meaghan, and I instantly fell in love with her unique sound and style.

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And here's her latest video.
love this song too!

I've since chatted with Meaghan through email and finally got her new album!!! Eeek! My newest favorite song is "Poor"
I love the lyrics.  I could listen to to that song like... 5 times in a row
okay, I already have... but, whatever. LOL

I think that the part about her style that I love the most, is that she's really... Down to earth, wholesome, and just has her own style!  I don't have to worry about bumping into "uh-oh" lyrics when my little girls are around.... and since they are basically "repeat machines"... this is definitely a PLUS. ha!
You have to check out Meaghan's cute bio video, and new Album.

Okay... I'm done.  I just had to share Meaghan with you, because I just love her :)

Ooo... and did I mention that her and her hubby are building a new home!  Eeek!  So exciting!
AND... she sent me pictures of these cute paintings she does!?

Yup... Love her more now :)


  1. Just watched the video and listened to the I-tune. Meaghan is fabulous! Love her music. Makes me happy!

  2. So, I'm doing my daily "blog catch-up" and I've got multiple windows open. Before I could even click play, I hear music start to play. What do you know? It's Meaghan Smith's "A Little Love" but, it's not coming from the player on your blog. So I start looking through my open windows to figure out where it's coming from, right? Oh, don't worry, just Laci Davis photography which is open to a post of the cute Smith family.

    Thought you might appreciate the humor. I'm just giggling to myself over the coincidence. Love the song. (And the pictures, at that.) :)

  3. CUTE music! I'm going to check this girlie out. SO FUN! Thanks

    JEnnie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  4. Like the song! We share the same name :) I know, SO original.

  5. I'm freaking out right now! My favorite blogger blogged about me on her blog!
    If I could just take a moment to tell you that I can't tell you how much time I spend on here just looking at stuff and dreaming about making everything beautiful! You inspire me and it's my pleasure to keep you company while you do so.
    Also, it's very nice to meet the rest of you House of Smith guests!
    Happy creating, and listening!

  6. Love it, thanks for the hint, have just downloaded her on iTunes!!
    Have you heard of "The Waifs", they are Australian and you may just like them too ;)

  7. Hey do you ever you Pandora? You really can't get much better then that when you want to have a variety of music by the artists you love.

  8. Ooooh I ADORE Meaghan Smith!! Have you heard her version of Silver Bells?! LOOOOOOVE it!

  9. So weird that you have this post about Meaghan Smith. I use to live in her ward and served in the RS with her. She is an amazing talented artist of so many things. Not to mention she is adorable. When we lived in her ward she and some of her music friends made a Christmas CD that is oh so my favorite. I just loved seeing your post about her. Thank you for making my day!

  10. Oh and I just love love love you and your blog. You are oh so darling. Your style is so amazing and I love to see what you will come up with next. Thanks!


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