
The Tale of the "Sunglassed" Skull Decal

Once upon a time...
There was a skull decal.

It originally was placed, here, below... in a womans Halloween display.
Neatly hanging in this empty space on a simple piece of distressed cardboard.

The "designer" of the "pretty creepy skull" display was very proud!
Thinking... "What a fun way to add a "whimsical" feel to Halloween!"
Success! :)
But THEN............
...her HUSBAND came home.
He took a long look at the skull decal,
during the couples Cafe' Rio Salads gourmet dinner she had prepared them,
 rolled his eyes and said...
"I'm SORRY... but why is your skull head thingy wearing
It's bugging the crap out of me!"

At FIRST the woman was kind of pleased... that the husband had even NOTICED the new decor addition, and then SHOCKED that he had the NERVE to question her creative talents!!!
hee hee
After a ridiculously long argument small conversation over whether or not the skull should
stay or go...

The "designer" finally won ... FULLY convincing her opponent that there was
NO WAY... 
that those skulls' eyes looked even CLOSE to sunglasses!!!!!!
she lied
but so did HE, when he told her... 
"ya, you're right, it looks fine"

On "Picture Day" the "skull" didn't make the cut.
No matter HOW cute "the skulls" new white frame, that she had made for it, was...
...the skull indeed... had sunglasses

The woman was mad that the husband was right.

only because he can appear SO COCKY when giving her that...
"I-told-you-so, look"
Ooo... you just want to smack that smirk RIGHT off him!

...he says that he has NO IDEA what "LOOK" she is referring to .............PSHHH!

And she actually only felt the STING of sweet revenge when the husband emailed her, from work, a blown up FINAL photo from the womans Halloween post...  with an empty circle in the spot where the "skull" SHOULD have been... with a simple "question mark" in the middle.
Moral of the story???
ANYTHING can look like it's wearing sunglasses if you black out their face, and hallow out their eyes...
Am I wrong?????

I think not.
Time spent on skull project - 20 minutes

Woman feeling like she's won the STUPIDEST disagreement in the history of couples entire marriage
by publicly posting her opinions, for others to comment on - 30 minutes

Husband walking into their home everyday, only to be greeted by the "sunglassed skull head" that once "bugged him"
... NOW in their entryway........



I love you husband, even if you DO think my once thought, cool
 Halloween skull looks like it's wearing sunglasses.

*side note... there were no actual arguments during this post... mostly just playful banter :)
Gotta keep those silly flirtatious vibes alive somehow... eh?


  1. hilarious!!!
    gotta love husbands.
    and i love the skull, "sunglasses" and all. :)

  2. This is the first and probably only time I have to agree with your husband.....it has sunglasses.

  3. You're so funny! How dare your creative talents be called in to question;)
    Love it!

  4. You are so funny!!!! How dare your creative talents be called in to question;)
    Love it!

  5. LOL - so funny Shelley!! I think it's cool!


  6. That is too funny! I didn't see it at first but I can see why it does look like sunglasses. It's all because those swirls and how one line goes right between the eyes. lol I have to laugh that you kept it out of your pictures though! haha

  7. OMG that is so hilarious! And FIY I can see it both ways - and I'm not just saying that.

  8. Oh my gosh I'm dying! LOL
    First glance, didn't notice.
    Second glance, totally sunglasses.
    Third glance, not sunglasses its a alien.

  9. I may or may not be crying with a side stitch right now!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! HILARIOUS!!! Oh my- I do have to say my favorite part is that you blacked out his face in the picture of the two of you!! Such a riot! I like how you fight back! Thanks for the entertainment!

  10. Hilarious. I love it. LOL

    Be sure to enter my new Halloween giveaway...


  11. way to go you for putting it in the entry! hahaha

  12. You crack me up. I would love to be a fly on one of your walls, when You & the husband are discussing such issues. LOL

  13. That is too funny! It cracked me up because I've been looking for a skull with sunglasses image to do a freezer paper stencil for my little guy. :) LOL!


  14. heehee! i love reading your blog! you brighten my day!

  15. You are so stinkin' funny! I love the skull, sunglasses and all.

  16. When I first looked at the photo that never crossed my mind...the you mentioned it I squinted to see it and now I can't picture it the way I did before...BUT if you blacked out that small piece of the squiggle in the eye it would be fine I bet!

  17. I'm digging it. Sunglasses and all. ;)

  18. You and husband are hilarious! Have to agree the skull looks like it is wearing sunglasses. But then I don't like skulls. . . . just a thing I have. They scare me! Sunglasses and all. . .

  19. The best part? You moving it by the door. LOL And never in my life have I heard (or seen!) "distressed cardboard". LOL!!! :)

  20. OK you totally crack me up!! I too have a husband that gets that look on his face!
    Cudos on moving it to the entry way ;)

  21. I have that same skull and my husband said the same thing! It must be a guy thing ;). Your halloween decor has been some of my favorite so far!

  22. You are hillarious. I think we could be great friends. Your thoughts about that are almost exactly what mine would have been!

  23. You are hilarious! I needed something like that today. Thank you :D

  24. The skull reminds of the one from the James Bond movie, "Live and Let Die"


  25. I love that you moved it to the entryway! Too funny! This post made me smile today!

  26. You guys are so funny! Sounds like a fun relationship!! LOVE the skull image. I vote you share it with all of us sunglass skull loving crazies!! ;) Just a simple print would be so cute for Halloween decor!! *wink*

  27. That was great. I have tears in my eyes :)

  28. Oh my gosh!! Funniest post EVER!! Your hubs and my hubs do the same DANG THING!! He always questions my art as if he has some professional experience in it!! I think it looks FABULOUS!! BTW I'm half way thru a crepe paper rose wreath that I learned how to make from YOU! Not the wreath but the rose tutorial. I ran out of pink and cant seem to find the same pink!! :'( booo!

  29. Oh Shelley, I haven't laughed like that in a while. You kill me! You guys ROCK! Love it!

  30. I thought you had made them look like sunglasses on purpose- maybe starting a new trend?

  31. ♥ this!

    I received this blog award today and I'm paying it forward to you :) I hope you'll pay it forward as well :)

  32. Ok OK This is hilarious! It just made my long graveyard shift all better ;) P.S. I think its cute!

  33. THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH! Shelly you are too funny!! I like the skull decal! Love it actually! I say keep it in the entry way! Heck, hang it on your front door!

    Mallory @ Classy Clutter

  34. Hi there!
    I have LOVED your blog ever since you did a guest post over on eighteen25.... you are crazy creative and I love your style!! I have a question I would so HUGELY appreciate help on if you have time! I saw your darling "Fright" banner out of parcel paper and thought, ok, now this I can do. Well, first problem... you got your paper at the S.A. (of course!).... I cannot find that parcel paper with the subtle stripe to it like yours for ANYTHING. I think it really makes the look! The plain paper just doesn't have quite the same effect! ANY ideas where we can purchase it? Second, ANY clue on approx how LONG your 3inch strips were? I mean, I thought I had this nailed, then tried it with my plain parcel paper and failed miserably! Ridiculous!! We're dying to use your banner idea for our Halloween party (your post actually inspired the entire look of our party! yay!).... any tips would be so so helpful! :) paigemrodriguez@yahoo.com

    Thank you for all of your awesome ideas!!! :) Paige

  35. I just found your blog and this post had me cracking up! Thanks for the laugh!


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