
May or May Nots

{May or May Not's}

I May... have felt some "reader love" at WinCo.
Yesterday I was at the grocery store with Cason and the kids.
I may or may not have been slightly barking at my girls to put their treats, that they totally didn't deserve that day, up on the cashier counter so we could buy them...
when the cute lady in front of me in line turned and said...
"Okay... so I just have to tell you... I love your blog and all your ideas!"
"WHAT!?  You read MY BLOG!?"
At this point I may or may not have almost trampled my twins, to do what???...
Um... practically GRAB poor Miss B. Palmer in a bear hug!
Don't ask me why...

I was totally... STAR STRUCK by HER!  She made me feel nervous, happy, embarrassed, and totally COOL all at the same time! HA!
I'm sure while I was going through this flood of emotion and still hanging onto the poor woman, Cason thought I had lost my MIND... randomly hugging people in grocery stores.... 
okay, not really, I hate to say it, but NOTHING surprises that man anymore.

But I didn't care!  It made my day!... my WEEK!  I felt SO LUCKY!
So... Miss B. Palmer... I apologize for the slightly creepy act in WinCo, but I just have to say... Thanks for saying hi :)
Warning:  Apparently I can't control my actions when it comes to meeting new people.
So if you happen to see me out... you may want to think twice about actually SAYING anything... I might just attack.
LOL... jk.
You BETTER say hi!

I May, now be a member of the
"cool soap dispenser" club!
okay... I know... there's no club, but I feel like EVERYONE had these awesome...
"I'm suppose to be for oil and vinegar...
but then someone turned me into a dish soap dispenser, instead..."
So when I saw this gaw-geous green/blue one, with a damask print on the top and bottom...

 I snagged it up in a hurry!

I May NOT be able to get back on Cason's good side,
once he sees that I actually posted this...
"The kids are sleeping over at Grandma's house, we're bored, just got home from a lousy dinner, being completely goofy...just because we can and have nothing better to do"...
I couldn't help it... It just made me laugh WAY too hard, to not post!!!
And for the sake of putting myself and my "slammin' moves" out there, as well... 
Please Enjoy.
Sorry about all the giggling.  Cason said I wasn't being serious enough. LOL
AND you'll have to turn up the volume kinda loud, to hear the music... I'm still workin' on my "video editing skillz"

If following through a reader... you may or may not want to click through to my blog to view the video. LOL


  1. I wish we lived in the same place. I would love to run into you. Sounds like a blast! I tried to view the video but it says it is private. Will try again later.

  2. Oh my gosh. That was hilarious!!! You guys are great, that may or may not have just made my entire day! :) And I love that it totally seems like something my husband and I would do when given a moment to ourselves without the kids. HILARIOUS! :)

  3. LOL OMG y'all are freaking hilarious!!! Did y'all have some wine at that lousy dinner?? LOL!

  4. You two are so cute! But tell me, why are you wearing a sweater in the middle of August? lol

  5. i love that THAT'S what you do when you guys are home alone. too funny, and too cute. love silliness!

  6. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh Lord have mercy, I haven't giggled like that this early in the morning in a long, long time!

    Thanks my friend!


  7. Your dinner may have been lousy, but your wine must not have been! I am laughing OUT LOUD at this! So funny! I love that yall had fun doing this! One day, when your kids are teens, pull this out and show it to them. They will LOVE it!!

  8. Super funny!!! Cracked me up! My dh would NEVER do that with me. He won't dance...big turd that he is! ;) Where did you get the Oil soap dispenser? LOVE it!!! I'm totally in LOVE with damask!

  9. that funny. so cute you and your husband have fun together. i want some fun.

  10. Bwahahahaha! Thank you so much for the smile and laugh this morning. Back in the day, my honey did a Michael Jackson move that still has me laughing every time I think about it. My poor sweetie is the epitomy of White Man Can't Dance. We even took a Country Swing Dance once, but had to apologize to our fellow classmates for crashing into them so often.

    You make me wish I still lived in Utah so I could stalk you at WinCo.

  11. Oh my goodness.. that was the cutest thing ever. My husband would die before he would dance silly with me. I do it all the time with my kids:) You lucky girl!! You guys are too funny!!

  12. Shel - you are hilarious. xoxoxox

  13. I follow in my reader, and watched the video there, but HAD to click out to come comment on this video! How sweet, and cute! Enjoy the time with your hubby. These are the best years! Young love! heheheh
    Cute about the store! I can't imagine ever running into a reader irl. That would be awesome!
    love your blog and your antics!

  14. That iis hilarious! I LOVED it! Thanks for the good laugh I needed it today!

  15. I shop at WinCo too ;) So if I ever see you.. i think I'll be the one running up to give you a bear hug haha. I <3 your blog. I secretly hope I run into you sometime hahah

  16. It's good to know there are other people out there who like to do strange things. I've never videotaped anything so thanks for the idea!

  17. You're so awesome, I can't believe you got your husband to do that. My husband woud DIE before I could get him to dance! Great job, you guys are so cute

  18. Ha, ha, ha! Oh my gosh that video was so funny. I was seriously almost crying with laughter in the first minute. Cason is so funny! We have GOT to get a video camera.

  19. Girl you've got moves!! I loved it. I was wondering do you ever help a sista out by giving someone advice on a piece of furniture that I have had for years and don't know what to do with????

  20. You crack me up! Cute personalities both you and your hub. Enjoy your life together and treasure each moment.

  21. I just have to say that you giving me a big hug made my day. I was the one that was star stuck by you. lol. I just think you are one amazing lady and was totally honored to have meet you. Thank you for being you! Oh and I have to say that your video was hillarious.

  22. LOVE IT!!!!!! for real, that is the best. may just be our movie for tonight :) haha!

    ~Emily N.from "too Blessed to Stress"

  23. I wish I would have said something to you when I saw you...I would have a gotten a hug. You've inspired me. I may or may not bust out the camera and some dance moves myself.

  24. Must. Delurk...

    Love you, love your blog, love you AND your blog!

    You are too cute for words - I spent a good part of last week reading your archives - this video is the cherry on top.

    Why can't you live near me???? :)

  25. Seriously, hugging some random woman in WinCo is the least creepy thing that probably happened in the store that day! That place is crazy!

  26. That was hilarious, you are too funny!!! And you got some bloggy love from me yesterday too! lifeofperks.blogspot.com

  27. There is no chance in Hades that Bryce would ever be caught dead doing that with me...although he does have sweet moves! Awesome! Love ya Shel!

  28. lol!!! so Ive been reading your blgo for a bit now since I decide to make those crepe paper roses! I just gotta tell you what a smile this put on my face today!!! this is something my dbf would love to do but I anit go no moves at all! lol!!! I really love the gansta part at the end! this should become a ritual post!!! lol!!! at least once a month c'mon!!!!! lol! loves it!

  29. Too funny!! Love the video. I've seriously gotta figure out how to edit mine.

  30. Oh how seriously funny! I hope your still married after Carson finds out that video is in public hands :-P

  31. So funny & So Cute! That's what keeps marriage alive!

  32. The video 100% made my day. Thanks!

    It's always good to know that my husband and I aren't the only two 'adults' out there that sometimes act a little goofy!

  33. Hilarious!!! The resturant made up for that lousy dinner with some good wine for you. ;) What is the best part is that you and your husband can still have fun like that. That is what makes a marriage last. Way to go!

  34. HIlarious. Seriously. That was so cute. You guys look like you have fun together!

  35. I am delurking because that was the best video of all time! I love that you guys do fun stuff like that! So cute! YAY FOR A HAPPY AND FUN MARRIAGE!

  36. I needed that smile today :) You 2 are too cute! It is so refreshing to see a happily married couple! Aren't your kids just going to love to watch this and see how way cool mom and dad are!!
    Glad you shared it with us!

  37. OMG I was laughing so hard! Loves it!!! So.....did you guys choreograph that one?!! ;)

  38. You are so cute! That was awesome...loving the wave action. Your hubby is quite a good sport...lucky girl.

    Welcome to the cool soap dispenser club...I love mine!

  39. So, so fun. My 6-year-old son said, "Wow, that got me dancing!"

  40. Love this. Love your blog. I was totally grooving along with you!

  41. OMG...you guys are too funny! Thanks for the smiles!

  42. i was having a rough day... not anymore. thanks for sharing this! those are 'so you think you can songs'... which i love & made me smile even more.

  43. LOL!!!!! That is the most hysterical thing I have seen! I LOVED IT!!!! You guys are too cute!

  44. Y'all are hilarious--and you DO have mad video editing "skillz!"

  45. LOL! That was awesome! Love it! Ya'll are too cute! And that is totally something my husband and I would do!

    And if I ran into you somewhere, I would welcome a hug from you! :) I would probably even blog about it! haha

  46. HAHAHAHA!!!!! LOVE this. I already knew it but you two are hilarious!!!

  47. Okay, can I just say that your video made MY day!! I totally wish my husband and I could pull something like that! It was SO funny and SO cute that you guys do those kinds of things together!!! I LOVE IT!

  48. I think we live in the same general area, so I might run into you someday! And I wouldn't hesitate to say hi. Maybe I will hug you first so you aren't embarrassed. Then you can tell a story about how a reader hugged you.

    You and your DH are funny!

  49. oh wow! I just had a really good laugh! Thanks I needed that today!

  50. I think I must live pretty close to you, hopefully I run into you someday!

  51. HAHAHAHA!!!! That was so stinkin' funny:) You two are too cute!
    WHERE did you get the ADOR.ABLE birdcage thingy in the window sill?? I want it :) and the soap bottle so, so cute too!! :)

  52. I DIE!!! That was hilarious. I may (or may not) have laughed so hard that I cried throughout the entire thing. And I probably would have done the exact same thing at Winco.

  53. I loved the video. It look's like you and your husband have a great time together. You are too cute. I would love to run into you. You make me smile.

  54. OMG too funny!!!! My hubby heard me laughing and had to run over here. hahahaha ya'll are awesome!!

  55. you're hilarious.

    loved it!

  56. The things we do when the kids away lol. So, so funny.

  57. Too cute!! Glad to know I am not the only one that dances around in my basement!! LOL To tell you the truth if I saw you anywhere I would probably be the one attacking you! In a good way!! :O)

  58. Oh my goodness, that video was hilarious! Your hubby was (is) such a great sport about it!

  59. Omygoodness! Just wanted to tell you that I think you and your hubbie are so cute!! And of course I love your blog :)

  60. Video! Loved it! Mad dancing skills going on there for sure.

  61. So, really I just watched that video for the second time today. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to show the hubs when he get's home too. He'll definitely appreciate the humor just as much as I do. Thanks for putting yourself out there...I think you're great. :)

  62. This is why you two are going to have a long and happy life together and grow old surrounded by love... You guys know how to just have fun!
    I loved all the great boogie moves. Cason needs to audition for American Idol ;-)

  63. Loved your video! You guys look like so much fun! I may or may not have a bloggy crush on your hubby now ;o)

  64. So funny!!! I got to know where you got your really COOL soap dispensor? Winco? I must have it!

  65. I love it - that was cute!
    And I wish *I* ran into you - that would be SO much FUN!

    ps...I have one of those soapie dispenser thingies - I bought it at Wal-Mart and painted it...It's Ca-UTE!

  66. Oh my gosh! You guys are adorable.... and brave :)

  67. That is totally funny!!!! I just love following your blog!!!!!

  68. I am laughing out loud!! BTW I am Tausha's little sister and I just love your blog!

  69. I don't think I've commented before, and I am catching up on past posts.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the video.
    It is tooo cute.
    What a sweet couple.

    I am putting that cuteness on my To-Do list with the husband!

  70. Lol! this is what you do with no children, you both are too funny! I loved it!!!

  71. OMG!! you 2 are 2 cute!!!

  72. Shelley, LOVE the video!!! You and Cason are TOO cute!

    PS - if I ever meet you (which is highly unlikely as I live in Atlanta) you can totally hug me - I won't think you're weird =)

  73. Oh my gosh! Your video cracked me up!!! haha :) you and your hubby are too cute!
    ...and love the soap dispenser!

  74. My daughter and I just watched it 3 times and laughed each time as if it were our first! You two are too cute! Did you show the girls the video yet?
    I'll bet you are a lot of fun to hang around with!

  75. That one move from Cason. ha ha ha ha !!!! And the ending from you was my fave. I know what that girlz really like mmm hmmm. ~Karlie

  76. You guys are totally legit. :) Loved the video!

  77. I love the video and I love that you guys are having fun when the kids are gone! I'm planning a flash mob with all my friends for my 50th birthday, we can't let the kids have all the fun!!! Thanks for the laugh!

  78. bwahahahah! LOVE IT! You guys are awesome!

  79. You two are just cute as buttons! This is exactly why I read your blog... you are so talented, you seem like someone I would totally be BFF with, you are obviously very family oriented, you show the good and the bad, and therefore are a total inspiration. Not only do you inspire me to do things around my house but also to enjoy life and have fun. Thanks for being so cool;)

  80. Shelly, you guys are awesome!! I have been meaning to watch this (the last few times I have been on your blog have been at work, and video's are blocked) and finally remembered to come see it :). I don't know how you didn't laugh the entire time! If my hubby was dancing for a camera (which I have NEVER seen him do without a camera let alone on tape)I would have lost it! Maybe this is a normal thing for Cason to do? :) I've got to get Sam to be crazy with me! It's hard though because I am very shy by nature myself.

  81. Where did you get your soap dispenser? I love love it and would love to buy one!!

  82. So glad you posted that video... you guys are too funny - looks like something I'd do, but my hubby would be caught dead first. Pretty sure if I run into you at WinCo, I just might hug you first... just sayin'

  83. thanks so much for this, I was having a blegh day and this made me smile !

  84. I smiled the whole time while watching this. Love Love Love!!!! I can totally see my husband and I doing something like this if we were home with no kids, problem is we never r without kids. We used to do silly stuff like that all the time ! I especially love the My Chic Bad part at the end!!


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