
P90X, Headstands, Dinner, and the Lake

{I'm just sayin'...}
P90X... is freakin' HARD!
Not like... oh man, that was a great work out... hard.
More like... WHAT THE CRAP!  Normal people can't DO THAT... kinda hard.
and believe me... I don't even consider myself "normal people"...
(above picture taken after only 5 minutes... no really)


I'm just sayin'...
One parent showing you their old drill team

moves and the other sporting their current gymnastic skills...
especially when they start trash talkin'
and try to out "handstand" each other..... in front of the children... lol
ya.... somethings not right with my side.  I know...... Sorry Cason.

...BOTH your parents, then, REALLY getting into duck, duck goose...
"for the sake of the grandchildren"... mmm-hmm
Even more entertaining.

I'm just sayin'...
Noodles... Leftover pasta sauce... and Chicken nuggets

CAN make Dinner
well... the kinda' dinners I COOK, anyway

(please sing the hokey pokey tune in your head...riiiiiiight NOW)

You put your noodles in...
You cut your chicken up....
You pour your sauce right on...

And you stir it all about...

You dump it in a pan, and sprinkle cheese right on the top...
And that's what it's ALL A-BOUT!
Chicken Parm.... am I wrong???.......I think not :)

Last but not least...
this is mostly just a fact....

Bear Lake, with Cousins, Rocks!!!...
Home and Work... Sucks.
Nuff said :)

On that note... I'm off to bed :)
Hope you had a great Monday!


  1. That Chicken Parm looks so good! Luke brought home Insanity yesterday and wants me to try it with him...I'm pretty sure it will kill me.

  2. ahahahahaha!! What a great post. Love the pictures, and the dinner combo is genius! How fun!

  3. What a great idea for the chicken parm casserole! :)

  4. I never thought to make chicken parm like that. Genius!

  5. P90X crazy hard, its bad when the warm up has you dripping in sweat. I cant even eat bannanas because of the whole superman bannana move kills me kills me. I hope to stick with it though and good luck to you.

  6. Love the pictures of duck duck goose.. too much fun! I need to get my kids playing that game again.. :-)

  7. your parents are hilarious. thank you for sharing those pics - seriously. i needed that today. ! xoxo

  8. I agree! P90X is HARD! Like make you cry hard!

    Looks like you guys had a fun time and I love the parents getting in on the action.

  9. Are you kidding me...we went to bear lake this weekend too! Wasn't it BEAUTIFUL!!! Too bad we didn't bump into you guys getting shakes or somethin :)

    Had fun seeing you last week! I would love to come see you and the girls, plus Landon would have a ball. Let me know and I can bring some fun snacks for the kiddos and we can chat.

  10. Your version of chicken parm is brilliant! I love that. :) Might be able to get my kids to eat it!!!

  11. they are the cutest grandparents in the World! how super duper fun! love shell

  12. I feel you girl...My hubby and I started P90X sunday and the workouts are hard..!! I hope I can stick to all the cooking and healthy eating too..good luck!!

  13. Love the chicken parm.... Thanks for sharing! And P90X well out of fear I've never tried it! Good luck with it. I'm hoping to find the inspiration somewhere to start losing some weight soon. Your blog always makes me smile! :)

  14. oh the P90X and how I adore it. I love it everytime I do it I feel SO wonderful afterwards. I can only do chick push ups - but hey - I still do as many as I can, that still counts right? ;)

  15. Oh the P90X...I think they need to use that as a torture device for bad guys. Can you imagine having Tony in your head 24/7? It does get easier..stick with it.
    I'm gonna try that chicken parm..soon.

  16. You are so hilarious! I want to know about that cute pantry I see hiding there, love that wallpaper (?) in there!

  17. (squeeze)You are completely delightful! Really enjoying your blog!

  18. You are so much better than me!! I wont even attempt it! You rock girlie! Of course, you already knew that!

  19. I have been wanting to try P90X but have no idea if it will really work like the commercial says. Please keep us up to date on your progress and whether or not you would recommend this workout to others. You rock!

  20. You crack me up! Funny you mention the P90X, my husband told me this week he wants to order it! YIKES! Torture chamber???

  21. Starting P90X next week... I'm dreading it, and excited all at the same time!! Please post your progress!!

  22. Because you inspire me I gave you a Blog Award! Check it out here http://daveandkristycall.blogspot.com/2010/08/lovely.html

  23. I have been wanting to try that workout since this last ten pounds won't BUDGE. Yikes!
    You go girl! *Smiles*

  24. Oh...That made me laugh! Too funny! Love your sense of humor! We bought P90X 6 months ago. It sits untouched on the cabinet...


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