
Our IKEA Kitchen Countertops & Farmhouse Sink!

Pssst: If you haven't had the chance to read our first and second posts on our IKEA kitchen in the basement, then you can catch up here!👇

After measurements and install from Granite City (literally the ONLY guys we trust to do countertops and tile on any of our house projects)... the much anticipated basement kitchen countertop + sink update post is here! whooooohooo! 
Our most favorite and affordable farmhouse-style sink from IKEA!👇
DOMSJO Double bowl apron front sink - only $313!

I have been missing our farmhouse sink from our old house BIG TIME, so when I designed the basement kitchen, I KNEW we had to have one!
Picture from our last kitchen remodel, remember!?
Oh how I miss this kitchen!!! SO much time, thought and energy went into that space, and I was obsessed with every part of it! And YUP! You guessed it, in that house I used Granite City for new, lighter countertops, the awesome gray subway tile backsplash and sink install too! I'm telling you, if you have a project... big or small... and you're in Utah, you've GOT to give them a try. Their prices and finish work are the best I've found, yet!
You can read more about some of our experiences using them here and here!

Okay, so here's a shot of the new countertops we got for the basement... plus a first look at how things are REALLY coming together!! 

Eeeeee! Look how pretty! I'm loving these smokey, light greyish/white quartz countertops SO much, next to all of the crisp white RINGHULT cabinets and white cement floors! 

And just WAIT! I haven't even added the backsplash yet! Yup, you guessed it. More white!😝
But doesn't the sink look so gooooood!

The reason it's taken me so long to figure out how I'm doing the backsplash, is because initially I had only planned on doing this one, solo upper cabinet that sits to the right of the refrigerator unit. 

But after everything was installed and I stepped back, I realized that I really needed one more just like it, right above the dishwasher... to help balance things out.

Ta-da! Much better. 

Adding the additional cabinet sort of changed my backsplash layout a bit, so I'm just reconfiguring and now I'm ready to plow forward!

I picked out a few ideas for backsplash, but I'm not 100% set on anything quite yet. Although, I DO know that I'm ready to get going on backsplashin' ASAP... so I've got to make up my mind soon!

I'll keep you posted once all of that starts and I decide. Plus, I'm always doing little sneak peeks and behind the scenes updates on my instagram stories :) So check things out there from time to time!

Till then!

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