
Printable Beach Bag Tags - Emily @ Jones Design Company

Printable beach bag tags by Emily @ Jones Design Company

What? You've been living under a rock and you don't know who the talented Miss Emily is, from
Jones Design Company? Well no worries, she kindly sent me an entire post to share, and included free printables for all of YOU, to demonstrate and display her amazing design skills.
Ooo, I love this girl!
Enjoy! :)
Summer bags are a must … toting beach towels and sand toys to the beach, goggles and sunscreen to the pool and snacks and frisbees to the park. With kids coming and going, a bag tag is a great way to identify each bag and keep track of it while you are out and about.
I have created a printable pdf with four beachy designs and with just a few inexpensive products, you can customize in minutes.
beach bag tag

Here’s what you’ll need:
jdc 1
:: beach bag tags printable pdf {download at the end of the post}
:: self-sealing laminating pouches {purchase here for $5.99 for 5 pouches}
:: rubber stamps & ink pad, or pen to personalize
:: ribbon for attaching to bag
STEP ONE: print pdf & cut along dotted line
jdc 2
jdc 3
STEP TWO: personalize
jdc 4
There are some great alphabet stamp sets available at Paper Source {click here}.
STEP THREE: fold tag in half
jdc 5
STEP FOUR: following instructions on bag tags, set tag into pouch and slowly remove paper backing and press to seal.
jdc 7
jdc 8
Now just add a ribbon of your choice and tie to your bag.
jdc 10
jdc 11
jdc 12
jdc 14
jdc 15
These work great on lunch bags for kids’ summer camps too!
jdc 16
jdc 19
To download the pdf, please click on image below
beach bag tags
Enjoy your summer {and the tags!}
THANK YOU SO MUCH Emily, for the amazingly Ca-ute tags!
Now everyone head over to Jones Design Company and check out Emily's other stunning projects!
painted wallpaper
Can you believe that Summer is almost nearing an end? I saw crayons, backpacks and pencil boxes at the front of our Walmart today :(
 I'm just sayin'... I don't think I'm ready for Summer to be over so soon!  Are you!?


  1. Can I just say, this is the second blog in 24 hrs that told me I'm living under a rock if I haven't heard of JDC. Hahaha! Well, I subscribed yesterday, and we are already on a first-name (I mean abbreviated, initials) basis! Glad my favorite blogs are recommending such great blogs. =) Thanks

  2. This is adorable! I love ALL things Emily Jones! :) My house is littered with touches of "Emily" projects. Thanks for having her here :) BTW...love the new site design.

  3. I LOVE Jones Design Company! I must make some of these beach bag tags! Thanks so much for sharing :-) Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Hi there! Just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing the free printables. They are so cute and such a great idea! I used my set in a very different way. I've linked you up today on my blog. Take a peek here if you'd like:


    Thanks again for the FUN! :)

  5. Back to school stuff are not the only items out on display!! I just saw autumn decor AND Halloween stuff being put out on display! Eeeek!

  6. Love it! I will have to print some off right away! The make such a cute pop of personality. P.S. did you see my dutch door tutorial? What did you think?

  7. thank you! thank you! thank you!

  8. Oh, I am going to try this right now! Thank you.


  9. Love this...thank you for sharing.

  10. Great idea & thank you for the tags!

  11. Great idea!!! I printed, cut out and they were beautiful decoration gifts for children. Thank!!!!

  12. a bag tag is a great way to identify each bag and keep track of it while you are out and about.


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