
Photo By Emilie Photography Workshops

Okay ladies, so I've gotten a ton of emails wanting to know more about Miss Emilie's photography class, that I took a few weekends back...
So here we go!

First off, I have to say that Emilie is obviously a fabulous photographer...
but also an AMAZING teacher!
She is so patient, laid back, and easy to talk to.
This makes things SO much more comfortable when you're asking, for the fifth time... 
"Huh?, what's that setting do on my camera again?"
And I have to tell you, this girl is PASSIONATE about photography!
She loves ALL aspects of it, and it shows.
She even shares a photography "Tip of the Month" on her blog.  I love that :)

Emilie offers a handful of super helpful classes.

I took the "Photo By You" workshop.
There's a classroom AND hands on portion of the workshop that is chuck full of great ideas, tips and tricks, to hone in on all those mad photography skills inside you!!! :)
Emilie covers topics for your SLR camera, like:
* Posing
* Lighting
* Shutter speed, ISO, and aperture settings
* Photoshop tips
and more!
And let's not forget to mention, theres complimentary breakfast & lunch included! Bonus!

Emilie's next Salt Lake City photography workshop will be on
March 26th from 9am - 1pm.
Normally her workshop runs for $225.00, but if you enter the code "houseofsmiths"
then you can get in on the special $189.00 price :)
discount expires March 1st

What?  You don't live in Utah??? ... what's wrong with you?
No worries.
Emilie has a 1-on-1 ONLINE workshop too!
Filled with all the same awesome tips as you would learn in her class, but in a more intimate setting... you're own home!

To be honest, I haven't taken a picture in the "automatic" setting since my class.
No kidding.
And the 50mm lens that Emilie suggested, hasn't left my camera either. ha!
It's amazing what a little bit of "pro" photography knowledge can do for your pictures!
For Example:
I never could figure out how to get a good picture of something, (without a flash) that was placed directly beside or in front of a window, with tons of light pouring in!  It would always just make everything look dark.
Like this:

Now if I just switch my position a bit, and make some quick camera adjustments, in the manual setting...
I didn't turn on any additional lights, or even bump up any brightness in my editing program.
Just learned how to use those blasted settings, correctly! lol
Here's another quick example:

Before     &     After
Same light source... different settings.

I also loved the "faded background" tip.
Emilie teaches you how to focus in on ONE thing... while fading out the surrounding objects.
Like this:
Where the little boy and girl are the focal subjects.
and here,
where the flower was my main focus, and her skirt and arms and such are blurred a bit.
I found this tip GREAT for shooting products or items that you want to showcase.
Emilie also teaches you how to get EVERYTHING in focus, if you want that type of shot too :)

If you can't tell, I'm just really excited to finally understand my camera a bit more!
I mean, you spend enough money on those dang things, you might as well learn how to use them, to the best of their ability, am I right!?

To find out more about Emilie, and details about all of her fun photography classes, jump on over to her site, and take a look around, or sign up for a class soon!
You'll be glad you did  :)

All I have to say to my new talented friend Emilie is...


  1. I would love to know more about my camera! Just got a Canon Rebel T1i for my 30th birthday in December...haven't even read the manual yet!! Need to figure this whole aperture, shutter speed, & manual mode thing out!! Great pics!

  2. You guys have twinsie glasses too! Too cute! Loved the info, THANK YOU! =)

  3. Awesome! Thanks for the tip on the online class. I struggle so much and I just need help.

    I so need a 50mm lens too! It's on my want list.

  4. WoW! That is amazing! I would love to learn a few of those tricks! :) Thanks for posting!

  5. thanks! checking out her home workshop... Utah is a bit far from Michigan!! LOL!!

    thanks for sharing the info!

  6. I'm so excited!!! When I started reading this I was so bummed that I don't live there, then BAMO you hit me the online part...YIPPPEEEEE!

    Oh, and the lighting trick, I MUST learn that! I have that problem all the stinkin' time.

    You ROCK! Thanks for sharing...My blog photos will look AWESOME after this!

  7. Thanks for the heads up, Shelley! :) I haven't found any good workshops in my area of VA. Maybe an online course would be a good fit. :)

  8. Ahhh I love it! I have had a DSLR for 3 years and ... leave the setting on automatic. I actually signed up for a photography class and start next Monday night,I am so excited! I hope I can learn those simple changes too :O)

  9. I'm so excited you posted this!! You have no idea!! I just emailed the lady to sign up for the class. I just got a Canon Rebel T1i and Photoshop9, so I have been looking for classes to take for both. So excited this is both in one class. Plus it's a trip to SLC!! We live in Idaho. :p

  10. You look so pretty in that picture!

  11. Love your blog - love these photos!
    I have a slr i use on auto mode so off to check out the onlien classes - bit easier for me to get to from australia!


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