
House of Smiths: My Favorite Blogs

{A Little Down Time}
On Wednesday we found out that Cason would be having a little impromptu surgery.  Nothing major, but a surgery all the same.
I've never been "put under"... HECK!  I've never even broken a bone, or gotten stitches!  But I HAVE been the support person for a few people who have been under anesthesia ... and I've learned a couple things.
1: They are always cold
2: Some of them throw up...ehk. (lucky, not Cason. ha!)
3: Their throats are raw, and they are reeeeaaaally sleepy, for pretty much the rest of the day.
I love this guy, and I'm giving him ALL my attention.
Because I can  :)
(thanks to Cason's Mom for taking the girls)
And because after I had my babies, and felt like crap ... he got MY pain killers, woke up at 3am to hand me our baby,
(which in this case, is a less noisy, ice pack) and made sure that I always had what I needed.
I think it's only fair to return the favor.
Plus, A day in bed, forced to watch TV with my guy, while browsing my favorite blogs...
Might just be up there, with MY top 10 most favorite days

Projects will just have to wait.
Till then... "A browsin' 'round my favorites, we shall go!"...

Get yur' Craft on:

Design Love:

Ooo & Ahh:


DIY it:

specifically this post ... 
Yo! Layla and Kev, read our minds much?



  1. I hope his recovery is quick and uneventful.
    Lucky for him he has such a great nurse.

    Hubs tore his bicep and is awaiting a surgery date. Thanks for the
    great idea for "our" recovery! Cant wait to spend a couple days together.
    Speedy recovery wishes.

  2. I hope Cason is doing ok. I have been thinking about you guys all day. Sending prayers your way.

    Love you!! Fun blog list. I love all of those on your list!!


  3. I love that you posted your favorite blogs. It's always fun to find more blogs to check out. If I posted a list of my favorites...yours would be one of them!

  4. I hope his recovery is quick and uneventful.
    Lucky for him he has such a great nurse.

    Hubs tore his bicep and is awaiting a surgery date. Thanks for the
    great idea for "our" recovery! Cant wait to spend a couple days together.
    Speedy recovery wishes.

  5. Aww, speedy recovery to your hubby, and hope you both enjoy the quiet time.

    If you run out of bloggy goodness to peruse, and like fun foodie blogs, check out one of my faves, Bakers Royale. I'm not at all affiliated, just a fan (=

  6. I hope he mends quickly! And thanks so much for featuring our blog!

  7. some of those are my favorites too. i love yours as well. :)

  8. when I was dating the lusty woodsman, he had a rod removed from his leg (long story short...he saved the arborvitae) and I was the lucky one who had to care for him after...he was in a drug induced swoon! told me he loved me, wanted to marry me, etc...so cute. we've been together 17 years. sigh...i hope your main squeeze heals quickly.
    happy weekend!

  9. i love all these blogs - t.l.c. was what made me start my blog! hope cason gets to feeling better soon and that the surgery goes well! :)

  10. take care this weekend! what a gift it is to care for our lovies! I adore how you can see the good in any situation and savor the moments! my recent post kinda hits on that too!


    chat soon girlie!

  11. ps. i was given a gift that i've been told to give to others and i chose you...come pay me a visit. maggie made cake...

  12. I told you....we're sisters from different misters! :-D

  13. hope everything goes well with the surgery. enjoy your down time!

  14. PS- Where'd ya find that old header of ours? Just curious! :-)

  15. I hope your hubby is feeling better soon. :)
    My best- Diane

  16. oh great! Now I have more blogs to read :o)

  17. Thank you for the love, Shelly! Hope you hubby is feeling better today!

  18. Way to make lemonade out of lemons...enjoy!

  19. Hope Cason makes a speedy recovery!! I love your blog!!

  20. Just went looking around over at Dear Lille..what an fab blog! Thanks!

    Hope your hubby feels better soon! Enjoy your downtime!

  21. wishing your hubby a speedy recovery!! and thank so much for the mention! glad we can be a part of your favs!! it means a lot!!
    jen :)

  22. I hope Cason's feeling better soon!

  23. What a great round up. I haven't heard of some of these blogs, so thanks for sharing. Sounds like pretty much the best day. In bed, with hubby, watching the tv, and blogs. Sounds lovely! Have a great weekend!

  24. those are some of my favorites too, thanks for posting so we can check out some new ones!
    hope your hubby gets well soon! enjoy the down time!

  25. Hope Cason is on the mend. So glad you are able to stop and take care of him. Your mom is a sweetie!! I am sure she is enjoying her time with the girls.

  26. Shelley, Surgery is never fun and I hope Cason gets better super fast!! I can't believe you've never been put under or broken a bone...lucky you!!

    Thanks for the mention, and I'm excited to check out a couple of these sites I haven't heard of!!

    Talk to you later!!!

  27. Sounds like a great day! Except the surgery of course...but a day louging around with my man sounds so nice.

  28. I hope all is okay with Cason....hugs to you both

  29. Thanks for the shout out and all the best to Carson! Glad your family is getting the support you need! Janell

  30. Hope all is well. I love a little down time in the bed.

  31. What a jerk of a friend...I didn't even know that Cason was having trouble! I hope everything's all right, let me know if there is anything I can do...

  32. oh how i wish my hubby was in town too take care of me. i am sooo sick and taking care of our 3 by myself. so feel free to pop in and play caretaker when cason feels better...hee hee

    Love yo blog! shell


  33. I hope he recovers swiftly and he is very lucky to have such a great nurse at hand :) thanks for the links I am always on the prowl for new blogs I will just have to stalk. <3

  34. JUSt found your blog! YOURE SO CREATIVE! i lovvvvve everythinggg!!!

  35. Hope Cason has a quick recovery. I can't wait to visit some of your favorite blogs. I haven't been to a lot of them and since you inspire me . . . I'm certain they will too!

  36. I hope your husband is feeling better by now. I loved how you spent your time. :) Hey, just wanted you to know that I linked your wonderfully wordy website on my new sisters blog. Check it out when you get a minute. www.bitsofeverything.com I made a really cute board with your simplify vinyl word.

  37. hmmmm 3 of those are my favorite too! I was featured at the first 2 today! I can't wait to check your other favorites! Thanks for sharing...maybe just maybe...little 'ol me will make your favorite list:-)

  38. Thanks so much for including me in your list of favorites! I am so flattered!

  39. great post! we must show support to those undergoing surgery. this is a stressful phase in one's life.Macomb Home Builder

  40. Great blog links!! Hope Cason is doing better now!


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