
Valentines Decor on Studio 5

Valentine Decor on Studio 5
& a funny moment...

So sorry!  I had a bunch of emails asking for the video, and I totally spaced it today.
Here it is.  Just a quick phone interview :)
I have to say, I was DYING when Brooke asked me what the #14 was for. LOL LOL...
But to be honest, I wast laying on my bed, watching the TV on mute, and talking to them, and when she asked what the #14 was for
(because she just forgot that V-day was on the 14th)
I FLEW up into a sitting position, and my stomach did a huge FLIP! LOL.
For a split second, I thought... "OH MY GOSH, is Valentines NOT on the 14th!?!?"
Oh, poor Brooke, like she doesn't have ENOUGH to remember and worry about... LOL...
Anyway... enjoy! :)


  1. You did a great job over the phone. You responded so calmly to the 14 question. I would have laughed or thought she was kidding. You are such a nice friend to be so polite. Great job!

  2. you are so bubbly on the phone interview! you rocked it!!

  3. Love your shelves all decked out for Valentine's Day. Oh, poor Brooke. She must of had a lot on her mind. Your interview was great.

  4. You are awesome! And that story is hilarious.

  5. Love your Valentine's vignette. Congrats on the interview.

  6. You are so darling - what a great interview! Go Shelley! I wish they didn't play the music in the background on you though...it was hard to hear (or my old age is kickin in!)

  7. That is too funny!! My hubby and I are both sitting here laughing. I would have had that same moment of panic because usually if somethings wrong it's because I did it wrong. So Funny. You were so cool about it. :)

  8. you did great! good job!

  9. Don't Ya Love Blonde moments! ;)
    Adore YOU Shelley!!

  10. Bahahahaha!! I imagined you in your momentary panic when she asked what the "14" was for! THAT was TOO funny! You were so composed!

    I LOVE your blog and I had to tell you that I think you are the cutest, most adorable, fun girl EVER! (Wish I lived near you so I could MAKE you be my friend!!)

  11. Awesome job on the interview! You sound so chipper and fun! Congrats!

  12. I wondered what the 14 was for too. :) I ashamed to admit that but I guess I'm in good company!

  13. Awwww so fun! I loved watching/listening to that.

  14. I just LOVE reading your blog, but what I have LOVED even more is hearing your voice! Your vlog post just made me fall in love with you! (Is that weird to say?) Too bad...'cause your voice totally reflects the bubbly, happy person you are and I LOVE to hear that personality!!! You ROCKED the phone interview and kept it fun when Brooke asked about the 14!! SO FUN! =)

  15. I really liked your segment today on Studio 5, and I did get a laugh about the plate and 14... poor Brooke. I was sad because no one asked you about the square that had all the words on it. Is it something you made vinyl for? What is the square made of? I am really interested in it, maybe for like my family name and kids names and things we enjoy. I know your busy but if you read this I would love to hear from you.

  16. I always love listening to you or seeing you on Studio 5. Your personality is infectious! It's to bad I live in So. UT., I'm jealous when I hear about all of the fun times you bloggers along the Wasatch Front have. Keep making this all fun!

  17. LOVED the phone interview. You really are so composed. I did have to laugh when you said that you sat up quick and wondered if you had got the date right. That is so totally what I would do. But you appeared to be so cool and calm, where I would have totally blown it and doubted myself on air. I think that I have been stocking your blog too much, however. I had a dream about you (House of Smiths) last night. I watch way too many crime dramas and the other night I stayed up really late watching a tape of medium. Anywho, it was kind of a crime dream and I don't remember all the details just that Gibbs (from NCIS) I know, it was supposed to be about medium and it was kind of, but Gibbs was there too! I told you it was a crazy dream. Anywho, I digress, Gibbs was interrogating me and I was giving him crap because his team had totally missed the clue I had left them. I told him that I had written House of Smiths backwards in the rearview mirror and if he had looked harder and found the clue then he would have known to contact you because I had told you everything and then he could have solved the case!!! Mind you, in my dream I really never knew what the crime was, just that he missed the House of Smiths clue in the mirror. I woke up and had to laugh. Maybe I need to stop watching crime dramas and not stock your blog so much. Not to creep you out or anything, I just thought it was funny and had to share. Maybe this is one of those times that I shouldn't share quite so much. LOL

  18. LOL!
    That's so something I would do

  19. You are so cute!! I heard we were on Studio 5 together yesterday - LOL! I miss you!


  20. I am officially addicted to your blog! You have such talent! I am so glad heard about "House of Smiths"! Thank you for being so inspiring!

  21. Fun video!!! :) Congrats on being on tv!! :)

  22. great feature!


  23. You're so spunky and light-hearted! When I click on your link (when it tells me you've updated) I'm smiling before your blog even appears! lol

  24. Ha ha! You are so cute! I love the Valentines shelves!

  25. You are just too precious! You are a happy girl and everything about you just makes be happy!

    I loved the interview and all your beautiful creations for Valentine's Day.

    You were lovely when sweet Brooke asked about the 14; bless her heart! I felt so bad for her, but she bounced back well!

    Love your blog!

    From Virginia

  26. Now THAT was funny! I totally would have botched a phone interview on the air! You did great! I LOVE your Valentines decorating....but then all of your decorating is to die for!


  27. Great job! I would have been totally thrown by the "14" question. You handled that with good humor. :)

  28. Oh my gosh. Totally missed that you were doing Studio 5. Had to listen in - FUNNY!


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