
Bloggers Night Out, Thoughts & A Photoshoot

{Wrapping up a Great Weekend!}

This weekend has been a full one, that's for sure!
On Friday I headed out to the good ol' Cheesecake factory, again,
to meet up with some fabulous bloggers.
None of us could attend the Blissdom conference (a bloggers conference) this year,
so we thought we'd get together anyhow, and grab dinner!
A mini blogging conference, if you will? :)

Kari@ Ucreate 

We all had a blast... and some of us actually just, couldn't let the night end, at 11pm. ha!
So Kari, Becca, Amy, Lara and I, headed to the only place we could think of, that would serve us endless amounts of hot chocolate, and not ever kick us out...
Open 24 hours.  A bloggers best friend :)
We might have had TOO much fun, and talked WAY too late (3am)...
But hey, the company was top-notch, and there WAS chocolate involved...
so who can say no to:
sharing weird talents, swapping family life stories, and
the best blogging tips around!?
Not me :)

On Saturday I hung out with my Mom, Grandma and Aunt.
We had a chill night with dinner, and a movie... in!
It was great.
Have you seen this movie?
Really good.  I recommend it :)
ps.  TOTALLY family friendly as well.
Just fyi.

And today... Well, today was just.  Perfect.
After I got the girls and me all ready for church, I had about 30 minutes, before we had to leave (which never usually happens) and so I decided to do a little "photoshoot" of the Smith chicks today.
I used to do this EVERY month, but lately I've been slacking.  I definitely need to get better.  These kids grow up SO fast, and I feel like sometimes the ONLY way I'm going to remember it all, is through a great picture!

After church we usually jump in the car and speed right off to one parents house or another for dinner, but today, we just... did OUR thing.
I worked on some emails and vinyl, Cason did some laundry and watched a few movies with the girls...
It might sound boring, but to us... it was a picture prefect Sunday afternoon.

 Here's hoping that all of YOU, also had a VERY...


  1. We had the same Sunday today! Very relaxing!!! Don't you just love Sundays like that? I didn't even cook... Costco frozen Lasagna. Your girls are adorable! Great pics and I love their cute dresses!

  2. I love nights out with 'blogfriends' even if it sounds REALLY nerdy to HAVE blog friends! LOL!

    The girls look adorable- love the coordinating Sunday gear and I'm not at all surprised that you'd have them matched awesomely!

  3. What a great weekend! Sweet sweet pictures.

  4. I love that we posted about the same movie! LOL! And Shelley... seriously. Your girls are freaking ADORABLE!

  5. Such beautiful girls both at the blogging get- together and your kids! God Bless!

  6. Oh my goodness Shelley, your little girls are so cute. Hehe :) Love their outfits! Looks like you had a blast out with your bloggy friends. Sounds amazing! :)

  7. The Sunday pictures are absolutely darling. My daughter looked like no one loved her today. It was a rockin' ponytail worship service. Stinkin' 9am church!

    And can I just give you a thanks for linking everybody to that photo? I may have done the copy and paste of that. I owe you one!

    So much fun with you. You are one fabulous mama. And it is only because of that fact, that your not in trouble for posting a picture of me in a really unflattering show & tell moment. :)

    3am is only for super cool people! {hugs}

  8. Thanks for a much needed night out with the gals!! Dinner was awesome and hangin' with blogger friends is always a blast...so fun to meet so many new friends, too!

  9. Y'all were certainly missed! It looks like you had a great time though - My laptop decal was a big hit - everyone loved it!

  10. please, oh please...have more babies so we can gawk at their gorgeousness.
    and as IF they pose that nicely.
    Mine look away at the word "cheese"
    Any tips?
    Bribery perhaps?
    Also, IHOP.... :*( another thing we Canadians DO NOT have. BUT...we're getting Target!! Apparently they've decided to cash in on our economy!

  11. Sounds like you had the PERFECT weekend!!!! Janell

  12. I absolutely LOVE your blog!!! You seem like one of the funnest people in the world, you always seem so happy, fun & positive. Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us.

    Lyndi in Wyoming
    P.S. - Your girls are so stinkin' cute & you are right, Secretariat is a must see (in fact we watched it twice this weekend)!!!

    P.P.S - Would you ever be willing to share the name of the font you used in House on your House of Smith's blog header. Thanks!!!

  13. What a fun weekend!

    PS your girls are darling!

  14. YOur girls are just adorable, and you dress them so cute. I'm envious, mom of three boys here. Your blogger night out looked like it was so much fun. How did you find bloggers in your area?

  15. Thanks for the new blog links and I love the photo shoot! I need to try that! thanks :) Cute pics by the way!

  16. i am so jealous! extra time before church?? a husband doing laundry? getting to hang out with blogging buddies and family all in one weekend? HMMPH. i can't decide which one makes me the most jealous....

  17. Your girls are seriously A-DORABLE! Sooo cute!! I did a couple of photo shoots of my son this weekend too! It was so much fun! And your right, they totally grow up way too fast! I actually featured them on my family blog this weekend if you wanna check out my little cutie! Love the fact that you and the girls got together for a little blissdom of your own! How fun! Looks like you all had a great time!!

  18. Ugg! So I guess it's true! All the photos are proving it! My roots are taking over my life! thanks for a great Friday! LOVE YOU!

  19. Those are the best nights, out late with great friends and just enjoying the company. And those angels of yours are ADORABLE!!!

  20. Sounds like a great weekend!! :) The girls look too cute, can't believe how long the twin's hair is getting! :)

  21. Shelley! You are gorgeous, I love you, I feel inspired by you. We are moving in a few weeks and I am going to make my home 50% as beautiful as yours. (If you know me that is HUGE!) Let's get to know each other better shall we? xoxoxo

    Kim Orlandini (www.kimsueellen.blogspot.com)

  22. Our Sunday was just as perfect! Church with the kiddos, then home to watch Schreck with the 5 year old boy and nap with the 4 month old girl =)

  23. What a great weekend! The girls are adorable, love those big grins!!!

  24. Sounds like a perfect Sunday to me! Thanks for keeping up this fun blog of yours and for sharing your fabulous talents and skills:) I'd love, love to know the name of the font you used for the 'House' portion of 'House of Smith' if your willing to share! Thanks so much.

  25. LOL! So much fun! I didn't recover very well from the lack of sleep though...must be getting old! Your girls are adorable!! Love ya!

  26. Those girls are so darn adorable I can't stand it, I miss my grands so much!

  27. Your girls are so so so cute! And that sounds like another awesome blogger party!!!!

  28. Sounds like the perfect weekend. Lot of fun with the girls followed by great down time!

  29. Sheesh, I think I want to move to Utah!

  30. Wow, this looks fun. I live in Sandy & would love to join in next time! It would be so fun to meet you & all these fun women.

    Warmly, Michelle

  31. Ok your girls are TOO CUTE! I love their dresses, where did you get them?? They have beautiful hair! Oh and the Sunday that you had is my dream sunday also...I love staying home after church and doing OUR thing. Its great :)

  32. What a fun weekend!! What a crazy fun group of women. You must have had a blast! Your daughters are beautiful! I didn't realize you had twins, how fun. Monthly photos are such a good idea. I might have to try for something like that. Thanks for the great ideas!!

  33. Oh my gosh, what gems you have!!!! How do you even tell your girls apart? I wondered why I didn't see you in any blissdom pics.

  34. I can't believe so many of you bloggers get together! How much fun! I have to admit, I'm a tiny bit jealous. looks like you guys had a blast! :0)

    Sweet Treats By Jesseca

  35. Sounds like a great weekend Shelley! I'm so jealous I don't have blogge friends that I can get together with here in NY! It looks like such a great time! Your daughters are adorable, as always!

  36. Oh your girls are too cute! Jealous of your Cheesecake Factory visit, I wish we had one down in Provo! You bloggers are too cute! Utah bloggers really are the best!

  37. OH. GIRL. You know IHOP has the best hot chocolate around. DELISH.

    Also, I'm always so jealous I don't live in Utah when I read about these awesome get togethers.

    Lastly, I can't believe how much your girls have grown since I've started reading your blog. They are beautiful!

  38. The pictures are just priceless! I love the dresses! Oh how I miss the days my girls wanted to wear "clickers" (shiny black patent shoes that make noise!) Your girls are just beautiful (like their Mama!)

  39. Looks like a perfect weekend!
    I also want to thank you again for doing the Silhouette giveaway and I feel like a little kid, every time I hear a truck drive by I rush to the window to see if it is the UPS man with my Silhouette :) haha I can't wait to get it!!!

  40. OMGoodness...those girls are beautiful!!
    nettecan at hotmail dot com

  41. Wow! What a way fun filled weekend! Your girls are just adorable!!! I would like know where you got the black dresses {LOVE} Thank you much :)

  42. OH I LOVE the dresses!!! You have to tell me where I can get the black one for my daughter, it's just TOO CUTE!!!

  43. Such fun things going on!!

    Love the pics of your girls--beautiful!! With a set of twin girls and a younger daughter of my own, these pictures are eerily familiar (but the quality is so much better for yours!!) and reminds me to savor these things! Thanks!

  44. not fair!
    Your hubby does laundry??
    What am I doing wrong, lol
    sounds like a fabulous weekend to me!

  45. Ok I dont know how I missed that you posted pics too. I am awesome!

    Shelley Smith I love you! It was so fun hanging out and getting to know you better, you are the funniest cutest thing ever!!

    love your guts

  46. adorable! my daughter has the same black dress with pink peeking out, love it! your blogger gathering sounds like fun, i love a 3am chatfest!!!You do great photography...have you said NO! to auto? :)

  47. SOOOO much fun, once again, with you Shelley!!! Seriously, you are just way too AWESOME to be around (I'm already missing ya)! So when is this party in your basement???

    Your girls look beautiful!

  48. Oh man, you gals look like you had so much fun! I had so much fun at Melissa's 2nd Annual Thrift-a-Thon - you've gotta tell me when you're getting together with all these crazy awesome Utah blog ladies!

  49. My husband and I also rented Secretariat on Saturday! Crazy! I loved it! so good :)

  50. That is IT! I have been tempted too many times by your fun blog get togethers. I am planning a trip to UT (when it warms up) so tell me when is good for you because I am coming over! ;D


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