
Jocelynn's Hemangioma

{Weekend and Jocey's Omma}

Well... we're headed out this weekend, to the Cabin with my parents.
The girls were anxiously awaiting Grandma Kim's arrival this morning, to take them up early!
We're excited to get away from our regularly scheduled program for a while. lol.
Got any big plans for the long weekend!?
In other news... Jocey wants to answer a couple of emails that I've gotten, the past few days...
regarding her Hemangioma...lol
To explain:
I keep getting the question..."What IS that?... on your daughters face?" or... "aw, did she fall and scrape up her forehead?"

Thanks for the concern, but it's actually just a certain type of birthmark, that goes away with time :)
It started to show up about 2 days after she was born.
And it ballooned into this FULL on huge red mark, about 2 weeks later.
It's called a Hemangioma.
We were pretty freaked out (being first time parents and all) but after a few trips to the pediatric dermatologist, we learned all about those crazy "Ommas".... as we like to call them :)
(she used to have a really small one on her back, but now it's gone)
As she's gotten older, it's gotten lighter and lighter.

It used to be really raised and now it's just totally flat!
Here's a little blip about how Jocey feels about her's.
And yes... I sometimes try to tell kids it's "just LIKE a freckle" in the fact that it doesn't hurt to touch... not that it IS a freckle...lol
you get the idea.
She IS starting school next week for the first time. eeek.
I get a little nervous, because I won't be there to help her "explain" to others what it is.  And sometimes kids can be mean!
Does this feeling ever go away, once your children get older???  The need to answer FOR them, or make sure that they don't get made fun of, or teased?
Just tell me, yes. LOL

Have a GREAT! Weekend everyone! :)


  1. Your girls are BEAUTIFUL and absolutely adorable. I'll pray that no kiddos are mean to her about it on her first day of Kindergarten!!!

  2. Oh goodness how sweet are they! I’m pretty surprised that people would even ask about it but I guess I should learn not to be surprised........you really never know what’s going to come out of someones mouth, right?

    Well they are just adorable and it seems like she accepts her little omma as part of her and that’s awesome!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  3. What a sweet video. I love that she feels good about herself. That is a tribute to YOU!

  4. Thank you for taking the time to explain that. I once committed a major gaffe because I didn't know about these. I STILL feel bad about it 20 years later!

    I found your blog because of your amazing pantry but decided to follow because we seem to have some similar interests- including being Moms of twins AND you got to use the name I wanted so bad for my girl (Aubrielle) but her Daddy nixed. Grr!

  5. Your daughter's are gorgeous! I can understand you always wanting to fight your children's battles and protect them, it's the mother instinct in us I think. :)

  6. Oh I definitely understand that "momma bear" attitude! Seriously, your girls are so gorgeous and they'll have each other to stick up for the other one, but hopefully that won't be needed. I think kids will accept it's a "freckle" and not think another thing about it!

  7. Jocey is beautiful! but kids are mean. maybe you should call her teacher and maybe she can explain it to the class to ease up all the questions. to tell you the truth, my daughter went through chemotherapy when she was 6 and lost all her hair and wore a different hat everyday to cover the baldness. we lived fairly close to school. an older boy always took off her hat and ran on the walk home from school. i really think that it hurt me more than her. i cried and it didn't seem to bother her. kids are stronger than we think they are. they are so more forgiving then adults are. i wish her and your family the best. you have the cutest girls! god bless!

  8. Awwww she's so pretty!!! My daughter was born with one in the back of her leg, and it's gone now! My friend's daughter was born with one on her lip, and it's gone away too.

    It's a little while before my daughter starts school, but I know what you mean. Her eczema flare-ups are severe sometimes and parents always stare and younger kids point at her =/

    Have a good weekend!

  9. I think your daughter is beautiful. :) My 4 year old has a cyst right next to her ear, and I worry sometimes about her getting teased when she's older. Mamas are so protective! :)

  10. Hi -

    My oldest daughter who is now 23 had a hemangionma on her forehead, too. It started showing up when she was three weeks old and just got bigger and bigger. She is now 23 and it it totally gone. In her teen years it started to fade and then it flattened out. She wore bangs most of her life just so she would not have to always explain what it was. Everyone always asked me what is that? and make all sorts of comments. Her fourth grade teacher called me in one day to make me aware of it and thought she had cancer or something. Another person asked me if she was burnt with a cigarette - I almost smacked him for being so stupid and insensitive. I know what you are going through, just know that it will go away. My daughter has a friend who she met in first grade who had one on her forehead also - they became instant friends. I wrote a post about my daughters awhile back, in some of the photos you can see the hemangioma when she was little and it was still on the small size.

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Please give your adorable girls a big hug for me. They are so precious.
    MY best- Diane

  11. She is simply gorgeous! My friend's daughter had the same birthmark is almost the exactly same spot. She is going into second grade and you can hardly tell it is there at all.

  12. Nothing could detract from that smile and personality (both of them!). Stunning children.

  13. She is one gorgeous girl! (so are your others too!) Just like their momma!

  14. Your daughters are wonderful!!! Way to go Momma! It looks like they care way more about being little girls and having fun than silly stuff like "oma's"! Thanks for that little video, it brightened my afternoon. I have a two year old and sometimes have to keep my eyes on the prize (raising a happy confident young woman) when she's in the middle of a toddler trantrum :) You're doing a great job!

  15. I know how you feel my son Devin was born with Microtia is a malformation of the ear and he is only 2 he will be 3 in sep. he thinks is broken and kids can be mean sometimes about it I tell him that mammy loves his little ear and that we are going to fix it when he is six, that is the age that they will do surgery on it. I'm a little weary about school and the kids telling him something about it, but we all make it so normal for him so he won’t feel that is a bad thing. I tell him that everyone is different; but you know as a mammy you don't want no one to hurt your baby's feelings...

  16. How stinkin' precious (and beautiful!) is she!?! I want one of her with a face full of "ommas"!! And, "just being me" (or learning to) has been my motto for the last couple weeks...wish I would have learned that 20 years ago like your two little ones!

  17. Her omma is beautiful! And so is your whole family...It's a shame that kids can be so mean but by having wonderful parents will help them over come that hurt. My best wishes to you and your family.

  18. the thing that caught my eye about that first photo, was the adults hand with the rings, that kind of looks like it belongs to the bubba, lol.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  19. Oh-how precious they are. To answer your question....No-the feeling never goes away to want to protect your little cubs. In some ways I think it only gets stronger. This motherhood stuff is a heartbreak a day sometimes isn't it?

  20. I have a dear friend who's daughter has one on her shoulder. But it's 10 times the size of your daughters and very raised. But it would do more damage to remove than to just let it be! I think most people are just curious rather than judgmental! Have a great time at the cabin!

  21. My daughter had one too and it eventually faded completely. That instinct to protect never goes away but I think it's great that you've taught her to so easily answer questions about it ... her no big deal attitude will make other kids feel like it's no big deal.

  22. Please thank Jocey (and sis!) for this wonderful video. It made me smile.

    Warmly, Michelle

  23. That video is way too sweet! I love how she says that being twins makes them friends :) cuteness!!!

    Have a great time on your family getaway :)

    ~Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  24. She is absolutely adorable!! It really suprises me that people ask about it...I guess that it shouldn't but it does!
    Have a great weekend!! :)

  25. Omg those girls are just the cutest. I love Jocey's little hiccups as she is trying to answer. Very darn cute

  26. all of your girls are very pretty !!! i knew a girl with one on the end of her noise . I open my big mouth and asked " What is that ! " her mom was mad . I felt soooo bad !

  27. Your daughters are so beautiful. The fact that they are so comfortable with themselves is a testament to what a great momma bear you are :) I worry all the time about my oldest (he started kindegarten this year) and how he will be treated by others. I want to protect him but I know I need to let him make his own way in the world. I thought this video was so cute! Have a great weekend!!

  28. My cousins baby also has some 'ommas'. He actually has three and are all on his head and very raised. Alot of people stare and I know it drives my cousin nuts. My daughter who is 5 was very curious about them and I just told her that he was very lucky because he got kissed by angels! Your daughter is lucky that she will have her sister by her side when she goes to school...they will make a dynamic duo :)

  29. My daughter had a hemangioma under her eye and people would question her at the grocery store "how did you fall little girl?" and then they would glare at me like I was a child abuser. It faded completely after a couple of years and she is now a beautiful 25 year old married lady. Your daughter is beautiful too!

  30. My daughter has one and yet it is not on her face it is something that children have picked up on and point out when they see her. Tahnk you for putting the pictures up so I can see how much hers has faded. Thank you so much this is what I needed.

  31. Thanks for sharing that video. I loved seeing their cute personalities! You have such a cute family.

  32. As a mom we always want to protect our babies. Heck my oldest is graduating HS this year and while he's taking it in stride I'm a nervous wreck about him going to college being on his own, people liking him etc. Its as natural as breathing to want to protect them.
    You've done a great job teaching Jocey that is who she is and it's ok. I've learned if they are ok with it then it's best if we try to as well. She knows she's special. She's such a sweet girl and how you have taught her to handle other kids when they ask is wonderful!
    All three of your girls are blessings, Shelley, keep up the great work.

    Thank you Jocey for telling us how you feel about your Omma that's just awesome!

  33. Shellie,

    My son was born with a hemangioma as well. He's 8.5 now and it's virtually gone.

    Here's a link to a picture of him the day he was born: click here

  34. My son was born with one as well. He's 8 now and it's pretty much gone.

    Here's a picture of it:


  35. She's so adorable! Loved the video!

  36. She is adorable! They both are!! My oldest is 4 and going to school next year. I'm already freaked out about sending her. She is the most caring and sensitive little girl. But, they somehow learn how to survive and fend for themselves without us. I think it is so important. That is so great that Jocey has a twin to stick by her side through it all! You are very blessed.

  37. Cute video! She is so beautiful!!!
    My son has one on his chest and it got about the size of a quarter (I thought it was a third nipple when it popped up haha) Like hers it has gotten lighter over the years and a little flatter he is 6 and it is still a little raised. He likes to lift his shirt and show people his birth mark.... we say it is a special mark by god so we would always know he was ours! He wears it proudly as does your Jocey I am sure!!!!!

  38. My son has one on his cheek, we had a laser treatment done at the Children's Hospital in Kansas City which lightened it up a bit. It will take a few more treatments to make it go away completley, but that is up to him. He seems happy with how it looks now. We waited and let him make the decision. He was tired of explaining it to everyone. Just an option down the road, but it should be the child's decision 100%.

  39. your daughters are absolutely beautiful, Just like their moma. And amazing!

  40. My son had 4 strawberry birth marks. 2 on his head, one in the hair and one on his neck. We chose to have the 2 on his head removed. The one on his neck was so large that he would have had to have cosmetic surgery later to fix the sagging skin it was making. The other 2 have totally gone away. (1 on his hip and 1 on his toe.)He is now 11. It made me so mad as a new mom(he was a twin too!!! to a sister) to have people think I needed to explain to them what was on my child's neck. People can be so RUDE!!
    Your daughters are all beautiful!:) Why can't people focus on that???

  41. When she goes to school she could tell anyone who asks that it is an "Angel Kiss". My Daughter had them too. Fair skinned and pre-mature children are more prone to getting them, we were told. They are usually gone by the age of 7 or 8 :)

  42. Ohhh my! they are just adorable...

  43. I love your blog & almost never comment - - a total lurker I suppose ;) Your post today just really resonated with me and I thought I'd share something with you. Do forgive the length ;) I suppose I'm making up for lost time.

    Recently my daughter (6) was diagnosed with refractive amblyopia or lazy eye. She was prescribed glasses to wear and has been wearing a patch over her good eye to strengthen the weaker one. I was totally devastated about this. So worried that she may be made fun of, that seeing her in glasses would just change her appearance so much (the weaker eye has a high correction and really magnifies just the one eye), and so on.... because you just want the best for your little ones and you want to protect them from whatever and everything you can.

    Fast forward a week or so and she's very comfortable with wearing her patch, still only around the house though. We bought one off etsy that's super-cute and comfortable. Well, this past week she was called over to a neighbor's house for a playdate and she asked if she could just wear her patch to her friend's house. shock!! The kids played for a bit and then came back to our house. As I watched my daughter and her friend running across the yard, my heart just sang as I saw her in her patch and her friend wearing a pirate patch to match. Not only was she loved and accepted for who she is, but her sweet little friend wanted to be just like her.

    I pray that your adorable girl will be met with much love and acceptance, and that your worry will be for naught. Kids can be mean, sure. But kids can also be incredibly gracious and accepting, especially when they are around such a confident, beautiful, self-assured child. ((hugs))

  44. That is so darling! Your girls are too cute. I worry every school year about my boys. I wish I could be there to protect them from everything.

  45. Look at your sweet girls!!

    I had THREE Hemangiomas growing up from birth. One on the back of my left shoulder, one in the middle of my stomach, and one on the back of my right calf. I still have the one on my leg. They never went away! Actually, mine never even became flat. I understand it is normal for them to...I guess mine were just stubborn! =)(My niece has a small one on her arm...we'll see what hers does.) Before we moved back to SC we lived in AZ and I'd wear tank tops a lot and got teased constantly about my hemangiomas. The one on my leg isn't noticable but the one on my stomach made a bump under my clothes and the one on my shoulder everyone could see. When I was 10 we finally had them removed. I have some nasty scars and have to explain almost as much about them! I think people are becoming more aware and used to them now, thank goodness!! You do a great job of helping your sweet daughter embrace her omma! You're a great mom! =)

  46. My daughter had one on her upper cheek, near the corner of her eye....It was completely gone by the time she was about 7yo.
    We called it her "Angel Kiss"
    Your daughters are beautiful and precious!

  47. I teach 1st grade and last year I had a boy who was hemophiliac and another who had epilepsy. Both moms gave us an age appropriate book to read to the class, to let the other children understand they were normal but just a little different... Hopefully it all works out ok for you and your daughter :)

  48. Your girls are absolutely adorable! Way to go, momma! You should be proud of your two cuties!

  49. I had one on the side of my face when I was little. It eventually faded, and I can't see it anymore. I'm 27 now. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Her's looks like it's fading pretty good, plus she seems like a happy girl!

  50. Thank you for the beautiful explination and video. She is a beautiful little girl and so is her sister. . . With wonderful parents and family she will do just fine going to school. And sorry to say Mom's ALWAYS feel they need to protect their children no matter how old. It is just how we are. . . . You and your family are adorable. Karie

  51. My son had one when he was a baby but it's totally gone now. It wasn't that big to begin with, and it just faded away. Your daughters are just adorable, you're so lucky to have girls. I'm happy I finally got just one!
    One random question- are your doorknobs black or orb? Did you spray paint them or buy them that way? Just wondering b/c we are going to buy the cheap Home Depot doors with no knobs so I need to decide what kind of knobs to get and I really like the one in that pic!

  52. I've always thought your daughters were gorgeous and I'm also now loving their confidence.

    At first I was annoyed that people would ask you what it was, BUT then I realized that it's not common knowledge and it's SO awesome of you to take the time to educate everyone in your sweet, lighthearted way. You're a gem! Hope you had a great holiday weekend & I'm liking the suggestion of explaining it to the teacher. Your daughter sounds like she knows how to handle herself, but it might help to have an adult who's also educated.

  53. I miss them already. Love the video. We need to get together again soon. ~Karlie

  54. Glad you posted this! My daughter has one on her back and we were told by a nurse that it would grow proportionally with her and by the doctor that it was no big deal and could be removed by laser when she was older. She's 1 now and I've noticed that it's fading. It'll be up to her to decide what to do with it when she's a teenager.

    Love your blog!

  55. You have sweet, beautiful girls!!!

  56. I knew a little girl who had an 'omma', too. She would tell everyone that was where an angel kissed her.

  57. I had one of those! It's completely gone now. :) It disappeared completely when I was in middle school, but was faded out so much by the time I was in upper elementary folks stopped noticing it. You have such beautiful daughters!! You're a really blessed Mama! :-)

  58. I got an "omma" when I was pregnant with my first child. I know, weird right? When I saw a dr about it I was surprised to hear him use the word hemangioma...um...aren't those on babies? He said that the hormones in my body caused one to develop right out of an existing birth mark. Because it was so big and causing me some serious inconvenience (size of a silver dollar and on my right hand) he suggested surgically removing it, but not until after the baby was born. I would be put under and not able to nurse for a couple of days. YUCK! My awesome OBGYN thought that was a lame idea so the day after baby was born he wheeled me into the C-section room and cauterized that puppy off! NO CHARGE!

    Sorry about the long story. Anyhow, I think your girls are beautiful! PS Your photo segment on KSL was awesome. I love the photos!

  59. Great job MOM! She is armed and ready, with confidence :)

  60. Thanks for sharing that. Your daughters are so beautiful. I will have to do the same thing with my daughter to prep her before going to school. Such a good idea to role play what she will experience! (My daughter has a congenital nevus, a mole, that covers the back of her right hand almost completely.) I am so scared kids will be mean, unfortunately, hers will never go away without painful surgery.

  61. Your girls are so adorable! I have 2 daughter who each had an "omma". My oldest daughter's faded around her 2nd birthday. My youngest just turned 5 and still has hers. My mom totally freaked out when she saw it because it's on her chin/neck and she thought the doctor cut her throat when he cut the cord which was around her neck at birth! It got pretty big shortly after birth and although she still has it, it's faded a lot and has gotten flat. Most of the nasty remarks I get are from adults! The kids just ask what it is, but the grown ups looks all grossed out. I've had one woman at Target screw up her face and ask "What is THAT?" I had to tell her that it wasn't contagious and it will go away. My husband just tells people that she cut herself shaving! ha! My daughter tells people that it's a birthmark. My main concern is her falling and cutting it, from what I hear, they bleed like crazy. I hope I don't have to find out!

  62. I know I'm a little late on this but I just wanted to tell you how gorgeous and totally precious your daughters are! They are so cute and have the best little attitudes.

    P.S. Don't you just love having twins? I know I do!

  63. 1) LOVE your style--just came to your blog today
    2) I have twin girlies too (2 sets actually)
    3) One of my younger twins has that same type of birthmark (but on her chest), and it's been slowly fading (they're 3)
    4) I'm surprised by the number of commenters whose kids also have those type of birthmarks
    5) Your girls are DARRRRRRLLLLING! Good job =)

  64. My daughter had a hemanginoma below her eye and was asked about it forever! It is amazing what some people say?!? The incredibly rude comments you can get and such! She is now 11 years only you no one would know it had ever been there! I can still see it only because I know exactly where it was, but it has all but faded. I would hope people would be more understand to differences, but there are so many ignorant people in this world. She is such a cutie, and I think it only adds to her personality! It's just who they are, and that is beautiful! Just stumbled across your blog the other day and LOVE it! Thanks!

  65. She is a cutie pie! Thanks for sharing about this, things that make us different can be so difficult, even for the mommy! But she is absolutely gorgeous and thank you for sharing!

  66. First of all, i want to say that your daughters are beautiful! Their smiles light up their faces!
    Secondly, my daughter was born with a hemangioma at the corner of her mouth. It showed up the day after she was born and rapidly got bigger, puffy and turned purplish red. As a mother, I was so upset for her, not me. I didn't even see it when I looked at her but I worried about what other children would say. We went to see a specialist who prescribed Propranolol, commonly used for high blood pressure. She took it 3 times a day for nearly a year and it disappeared. We saw amazing results with the color within 2 weeks and she had zero side effects. She is now 2 years old and you can't even see it, except for a little
    change in the skin's elasticity.
    Just thought I would share my own story. I hope Jocey has a wonderful kindergarten year!

  67. My youngest daughter also has a strawberry hemangioma! It started to appear about a week after her birth. At first it was 3 separate ones which grew together to form one huge one on the front side of her neck. We were always asked what it was too! By the time she was 6, it was about 75% gone and now (she just turned 8) you have to look really hard to find the light pink spot!

    Your girls are beautiful!!

  68. Thank you for posting this! My daughter also had a birthmark on her face. Hers was called a congenital nevus and she had to have it removed and now she has some scarring. She does look wonderful though! I know what you mean by the questions of other people and for me it has been a real test of patience with some people. My daughter is starting kinder and I am extremely nervous! All we can do is teach them confindence and hope that all will be well. Your daughters are beautiful by the way!!!

  69. Thank-you for posting this, you beautiful girl is an inspiration. It gives me hope that my daughter (now 8 weeks) can grow up confident and happy even though she is different.


Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts and comments. We truly love and appreciate each one!
