
Table Decor Tray Revamp

A few weeks back I picked up a couple of things at my local thrift store.
Surprised? lol
This brown metal tray was one of them.

Funny story.
When I saw this cute tray I immediately picked it up and put it in my cart.... then I wheeled around for a while... took it out... picked it BACK up...
and then took it out again.
I'm trying REALLY hard to use what I already HAVE...and not buy more stuff (more on that later)
... unless I can use it RIGHT away!
And I KNEW I loved this tray... but I just couldn't think where I was going to put it!
Then... as I was standing in the checkout line to get my little frames... a light bulb came on!
On the kitchen table!!!
So I turned my cart around... headed back to get it... and it was GONE!
Noooooooooooooooooooooo! (okay that's dramatic, but I was bummed, to say the least)
So... I dragged my feet and my squeaky cart BACK up to the front of the store...
... when I saw "THE TRAY"
It was in ANOTHER lady's CART!
Oooooo!  No she DI'INT! lol jk.

TOTALLY my fault, right?  How DUMB of me!

Anyway, I watched the lady as she unloaded all her things and payed for her purchases... 
and MY tray! :(
But then... like a blessing from above... 
(ps.  I've TOTALLY been there!  It sucks!)
She didn't have any other form of payment and then said to the checkout lady... 
"eh, I didn't NEED anything really, anyway"  and walked out the door.
Me: (acting all innocent, like I just saw the tray for the first time) 
"Um... can I buy that tray, if that woman isn't?"


I know... a crazy story for a $3.00 tray, right?
The moral of the story is... KEEP EVERYTHING YOU WANT or even MIGHT want... IN YOUR CART, when you are thrifting, RIGHT until you are ready to checkout!

Here's what she looks like now.
Nothing extremely dramatic, just a little sprucing up.
Some white spray paint and some light distressing.
I think that the layering effect, with the pitcher and the contrast between the black table, just adds that little "pop" :)
Pretty cute for only about $4.00 (with spray paint)
What was I thinking EVER leaving her behind??? lol


  1. Oh wow what a beautiful makeover you gave this tray! It was hard to see all those lovely details when it was brown. Im lovin it white:)

  2. I sure do love what you did with your tray! Glad you got it!

  3. Ha! I call that a sign that you were meant to have that tray! Love, love, love it in white!

  4. You know, I must admit, I don't think I would have seen the potential beauty of that tray. You go girl! Sometimes the shopping gods smile down upon us. Congratulations on a transformation well done. Camille :)

  5. That is a really funny story! I can see that happening to me b/c I pass a lot of stuff up on my first round that I end up grabbing (eventually) before I leave. I too completed a tray makeover this weekend (it was FREE)!


  6. Stalking Trays in thrift stores is totally normal in my world.~olive~

  7. Your tray looks great! Love it in white! Hilarious story too. :)

  8. Love your new white tray! It was definitely worth the thrift store saga!! :)

  9. Very cute tray. Love the "after". I learned this lesson while shopping thrift stores. I grab it and put it in my cart and then as I'm paying I make my final decision to keep or not. So great you were able to get it in the end.

  10. Totally cute. The arms and finial totally make it.

  11. I love what you did to the tray! It looks fabulous now! I know what you mean...I'm trying hard to use what I have...but that was worth it!

  12. You are such a HOOT!!!!! I've done the same thing and Jerry will walk behind me and grab it right back up....cuz he knows I will go back and get that frame or those mason drinking jars. I found a blue mason jar in a group of 3 others for $3--- I yelled out SCCCOORREE!! Jerry just ducked his head and said" I guess you found what you wanted!!! " I looooove the green geraniums ...I was just looking at those at HL!!!! You just gave me an idea!!! Love you Shelley!!!!!

  13. I have been there!! Really, this is a great makeover, it was meant to be white! Love it!

  14. LOL...too funny! The tray turned out super cute :) I've been looking for a cute tray too! lol :)

  15. I love it...and I've had the same bad experience, if I can't find a use for it put it back...I tell myself sometimes as I roam around a store, If it's meant to be it will be there when you walk past it after your done shopping...look at it again and ask yourself do you want it...then a lightbulb moment hits where I can use it but most times it's gone...when will I learn my lesson...

  16. What a funny story!! I'm glad you got your tray...it looks great. I'm hosting a giveaway and I'd love it if you stopped by!

    Laura @ along for the ride

  17. This is hilarious. I have so put something down and walked away realizing I had to go back for it and it was gone. I then hunted down the person who had it and hoped and prayed they would put it down as I had before. Most of the time it didn't work in my favor. I'm glad it did for you. I love how you transformed it!

  18. That is a lovely tray! I see why it was swooped up so fast after you put it down. Glad you ended up with it. It is awesome white.

  19. Oh Shelley! I laughed out loud and had to tell my husband that story! You are too funny!

  20. Oh my goodness! I know this all too well. I am forever lamenting over whether or not to buy something (and more times than not it's only a $3 or under purchase we're talking about!). I have even gone so far as to go BACK to the store after having left, praying all the while that the said item was still there waiting for me! I love your score & it was SO worth the $3!!

  21. It was meant to be yours! You did such a nice job making it look pretty in white!

  22. Holy freakin' cute!!! This tray is SO darling! Hey, and your pictures look like they are straight out of a PB catalog!!

    Good job!!

  23. You are too funny!!! But, what a great find :)

  24. Love the tray! I've totally done this before...in the cart, on the shelf, back and forth. Guess it was meant to be yours! Next time keep it in the cart!!

  25. Super cute Shelley!

    Many Blessings,

  26. So funny! I'm sure that lady would feel MUCH better if she knew that her credit card being declined made your day. ;) I totally love what you did with it!

  27. So cute! And the back story is so funny! I'm glad you got it after all, cuz it's super cute now!

  28. Such a cute tray, great job! Funny story too. I'll definitely take your advise on leaving everything in the cart till the checkout.

  29. Adorable tray. I have the habit of filling my cart and only buying half of it. I grab the things I like then decide what to buy as I shop. The cashiers probably hate the load of stuff that has to be reshelved.

  30. much better in white. u scored & rocked it.

  31. LOL...your gut was telling you yes when your head said "no" but it was meant to be...loved how you worked it for your benefit!

  32. Very pretty makeover. I am new to your blog but your now one of my favorites. I am sending you a award. Please drop on by The Craft Cave and check it out.


  33. i love your story and your beautiful tray. would you have talked her out of the tray in the parking lot? lol

    great job!

  34. Love this! I totally followed a lady around a thrift store last month because she grabbed a glass pitcher before I could get to it. Paid off too, because she put it down and I Swooped it up! As you can see, I'm behind on my reader again ;) LOL! Glad to see you're doing well and crafting it up!

  35. Love it! Where did you find that white pitcher? I love that!


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