
Great Ways to Freshen Up your Laundry Room

{Great Ways to Freshen Up your Laundry Room}

People in most households spend an estimated time of five to seven hours a week in their laundry rooms, yet these spaces are often drab, dull, and uninviting.  You may find yourself a little less hesitant to do the laundry if you make it a space you enjoy to be in!
First of all
It’s the easiest, fastest way to freshen up any space!
Most of us don’t have extremely large laundry rooms, so a great way to open up the space, and make it calming and more welcoming, is by picking a paint that will calm the “stress” of doing the dreaded laundry!
A few of my favorite colors are

Green - Cyprus Grass from - Glidden
Yellow - Champaign Tickle - Valspar
Blue - Upward - Sherwin Williams
Cream - Autumn Haze – Glidden

Satin Finishes
I've painted MY laundry room the Cyprus Grass.  I love this subtle green in this small space :)


Add Simple Wall and floor Treatments

*molding, bead board, or modern wallpaper can add some interest in your space

Use inexpensive trim to bump up your baseboards

And stick down flooring is a simple and easy way to create the look you are going for in your laundry room.
Flooring can be found at Lowes for very cheap!

Reduce all clutter.    You'll have enough with the dirty clothes, alone!
Choose between open or closed storage. Laundry rooms need storage because they often act as a household's drop-off point. Include adequate storage in your planning. Items can be concealed in floor- to-ceiling wall cabinets. Cleaning agents and other accessories are easily accessible in cabinets above washer and dryer

Add an open shelf above your washer and dryer, for extra storage if cabinets aren't in the budget.

And bulk it up by adding some simple, inexpensive molding to the front

Everything has a place!
Create an easy to make ironing board hanger, to get your large ironing board out of the way.
Purchase a new cover for your board, in the same color scheme or style as your laundry room décor, to add some interest to the space.

Or make a fun “Wanted” items board, for a creative way to keep your eye out for paired laundry items that go missing.

Continue your home's decorating scheme into the laundry Room.
And make it “Yours!”
Adding personal touches will make your “dreaded” laundry room, be a place you’ll want to visit more often!
Here are some quick easy ways to freshen up the décor in your space.

Add a floral arrangement.  Flowers soften any room, and bring a fresh feeling to a small space.

Find a great rug!  Most laundry rooms have hard cold floors.  Rugs help warm the space and make it more homey.

Rug found at Home Fabrics

 Find jars, baskets, and other cute containers to store everyday laundry items in.  It will help “hide” clutter and keep things organized.

Create a Laundry space that you want to be in!
It will make the daily routine of load after load, become less of a burden and more enjoyable!


  1. I love stick down flooring! It's so easy especially for places like a laundry room! Thanks for sharing! I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog this week if you are interested =)


    Have a great day!

  2. I love the rug in your laundry! Hey, why didn't you post a pic of my organized amazing laundry room, lol! Ha just teasing! Hey I tagged you in my blog yesterday! Sounds like you have been busy, hope the show went well!

  3. Great tips. I like the board idea to hang the iron board. Cute, cute. I have cement blocks for my laundry room in my basement. Not a whole lot I can do with that :( Maybe someday my hubby will hang some dry wall or something.

  4. Love the laundry rooms you featured, thanks for all the great tips!

  5. Any suggestions for sprucing up my local laundromat? I will send this post as a suggestion to the laundromat where I wash my clothes, though I am not holding my breath that I am going to see any improvements. :)

  6. I watched your segment this morning and loved the idea of hanging the stain removal tips up where you do your laundry! Brilliant! Any tips for those of us with stackables out in the garage? :O)

    Many Blessings,

  7. I love everything you do! Keep all your ideas coming!

  8. Hello there...I just started following your blog! Can I just say I'm in love with your style...and how your so generous with your talent! Thank you, thank you for sharing all your know how with the rest of us ladies out here in blog land. I can't wait to make over my little laundry closet :) I've already made lots of your flower balls...cute, cute, cute!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Now I seriously love that base board idea - so clever and easy! And I want those dark floors of yours, they're gorgeous! One question - I've read online that some people with black/dark floors feel they show all the dirt/are hard to keep clean. Is that your experience too? Because I'm so itching to paint our old water stained wooden floors and I'd rather find out before I take the leap :)

  10. Great pics!! My laundry room needs some help as it also is a mudroom (~hello original owners-what were ya thinking?} If you go here you will see a reno of a closet laundry room:


    Also I am having my first giveaway, if you would like to check it out!

  11. Love your laundry room - I've had your "wanted" board saved as a to do project forever.
    Check out my sisters laundry room makeover here:

  12. I have a half bath and my laundry wash/dryer are on top of each other. (Stacked) Any ideas that can make this small space more enjoyable?


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