I'm so excited to finally have one of the messiest spaces in our house... by FAR totally organized!
The Pantry!
Believe ME... we were thrilled to even HAVE a pantry in this house
(being that the last 3 houses we had lived in didn't even have one)
but overtime we had let it get really out of control.
Case and Point...lol
So with a little creativity, and a LOT of help from IKEA and our local thrift stores,
we finally got this space in tip-top, extraordinarily organized condition...
and here's how we did it!
I started at the bottom, priming away... realized how SMALL and cramped this space was, and gave up.
It took Cason finally pulling out EVERYTHING we had in there, to get my booty into gear, again.
I found these 3ft pieces of trim at Joann's Fabric on clearance and thought they would be a subtle, great way to jazz up the shelf fronts a bit.

After about 3 coats of primer, we used some wood glue and adhered the trim on the fronts of all the shelves.
(We planned on having larger molding to give it a more dramatic look, but we didn't want to have to worry about overhang, and someone catching the bottom of one of the pieces of moldings and ripping it off. So these ended up working perfectly!)
After the wood glue dried, I putty-ed up the cracks and painted all
the shelves and molding semi-gloss white.
Next came the fun part! COLOR!
Woo hoo!
I had had my mind COMPLETELY set.
The leftover Cyprus Grass by Glidden, from my laundry room that I had redone earlier!
It would be PERFECT! And FREE!
Slapped a coat up, and...
This wasn't the first time I would throw a fit during this project.
I hated it!
I don't hate the COLOR, I LOVE it in the laundry room... but I just knew right away, that it wasn't the "look" I was going for.
So off to Lowes Cason and I went.
I threw a minor temper tantrum in the paint section, while Cason tried to tempt me into the color
And then he said something brilliant...
"If you can't find a green color you like... what about........ gray???"
(he said it quietly and slowly... like, if I hated the idea he would quickly say... I MEAN... BLUE???)
Seriously love this guy. He puts up with all my "house drama/dilemmas"
So after sorting through about a hundred gray's,
I picked out a gray I thought might work well.
Flagstone from Olympic.
Not too light, not too dark, and just enough warmth.
I got it home and started painting
Looooove THIS COLOR!
I'll proudly admit...
The gray popped just right, against the white shelves and I immidately fell
with my project :)
Please tell me I'm not the only one this happens to. You start something... you love it... then you hate it... then you love it again... LOL... Like I said... I'm a bit dramatic when it comes to big changes like this. ha!
Problem solved... Paint being loved... Start hauling stuff back in... right?
This pantry HAS to stand out! I didn't spend a whole week on my hands and knees, and squished in between shelves to not make this space all that it could be...
{{{ Enter hallelujah chorus HERE }}}
So fun right!? I LOVE this pattern!
Normally I would have tried to stencil this design... in a space SO large to save money... but I was lazy, and vinyl took about 35 minutes compared to maybe... days of tedious stencil work. lol.
I thought it might be good to break down the shelves and such for everyone so you can see how and where I placed everything. Also along the way... I added tips and tricks that I found worked best for me :)
*Remove ALL food/electrical/bulky items that don't get used or eaten on a weekly basis
All other products should be moved to another "food storage" location, if possible. This way, when you need to "restock" on pantry items that are low... you can easily refill them with your stored products... and keep your "everyday" pantry clean and free of unnecessary clutter.
If you don't have ANY other space... utilize empty, dead space on the floor with cute, functional containers, that you can easily pull out... that allow for extra storage.
I didn't need to do this, so I kept my floor clear, but I'm thinking some cute pull out drawers on sliders would be pretty dang great in here :)
* Place all items that you DO want or need to store and don't use everyday... up high
I found this wire basket at my local Deseret Industries (DI) for $1.00.
I placed our ice cream cones, drink mixes and rarely used... but still needed sugars in this basket.
The more you label things, the better your kids and husband you'll be at making sure your hard work doesn't go to waste!
Containers or other storage items you've chosen to organize with, will have a better chance at being refilled with the RIGHT products and things will stay more organized and you'll find yourself "cleaning out the pantry" less and less.
Jars found at IKEA. But I don't think the carry them anymore.
Walmart has some though!
They vary in price from about $4-$12.
*Categorize your Pantry
Baking Supplies, Snacks, Paper Goods, Canned Products... and so on.
It just makes sense... right? :)
This little crate was found at DI for $0.50 cents.
I just added a vinyl label to the front.
I keep all the baking powders, vanilla and such in here.
Any SMALL products that tend to go scattered all over the pantry, in due time.
*Protect your Work!
I used these inexpensive furniture, self stick pads from IKEA to put on the bottom of all my "thrift store" organizational storage finds, that had rough bottoms or edges.
I also lined all the pantry shelves with white contact paper, to protect the paint for as long as I can.
It might sound a little "fussy" to do all this for a pantry and more work and money, now... but it will keep you from having to take the time to retouch up paint in the future!
I HIGHLY recommend these two things.
I didn't work that hard, for NOTHIN'! :)
Protective padded circles were $2.00 at IKEA for a large pack, and the white contact paper was from Walmart. I bought one large roll and it did everything but the top shelf (which I wasn't worried about doing anyway)
for about $5.00.
*Make pantry items accessible and easy to "see"
Your pantry can be as cute as ever, but if you can't get to the items you need, or even SEE what you have, then what's the point?
I used hanging bathroom shower caddy's from IKEA
(that were in the clearance section for about $2.00) for all of our spices.
And I used this small tin, also from IKEA for about $2.00... to hold all our spice packets.
(cinnamon and sugar shaker was found at a kitchen supply store for $1.50)
This simple, tight seal bottle was also found at IKEA, and I use it for our maple syrup.
($2.00 I think)
I didn't know how I would like this bottle, for such a thick, sticky liquid... but I LOVE it!
Works GREAT, and my small kids can't open it without my help. PEEERFECT! :)
oh right... and it's CUTE and inexpensive TOO! hot dog! :)
*Keep things you use OFTEN at eye level, for easy use!
The things you use EVERYDAY should be easy to access.
Once again, try to label things and make sure that it all makes sense.
If you have noodles in one area... then your sauce should be it's sidekick!
tall containers from IKEA
$5.00 each
Wide mouth glass jars with silver screw on lids
Walmart - $5.00 each.
(I have small scoops inside the rice and protein powder that I keep in each container, for easy use!)
Walmart - $5.00 each.
(I have small scoops inside the rice and protein powder that I keep in each container, for easy use!)
Other food products that I use on a regular basis that can't really go in containers are stored BEHIND the larger items.
Again... Our snacks and other items that we tend to use daily, are in places where the kids can easily get to them.
funny... when my kids first saw the pantry they asked if the containers are for decoration or if it's okay to eat the food!
They get it now... and love how "fun and easy" their snacks are to get to.
funny... when my kids first saw the pantry they asked if the containers are for decoration or if it's okay to eat the food!
They get it now... and love how "fun and easy" their snacks are to get to.
The small and tall storage containers are from IKEA, once again.
I think the small ones were $3.00 each.
I put chocolate chips, marshmellows, and walnuts in ours.
Great for dumping into cookie mixes.... or just eating as treats :)
And "mommy's snacks" ... these raw almonds, are in this fun glass container I found from DI for $1.50.
*Lose all those bulky BOXES!
Our family goes through a TON of cereal. And everyone likes totally different kinds.
So I didn't want to waste my money on a bunch of different containers that I KNEW would always be half full, and have tons of cereal dust crumbs in the bottom of.
But I ALSO knew that I HATED all the cereal boxes that would pile up in our pantry... making it look cluttered and smaller then the space already was!
*Lose all those bulky BOXES!
Our family goes through a TON of cereal. And everyone likes totally different kinds.
So I didn't want to waste my money on a bunch of different containers that I KNEW would always be half full, and have tons of cereal dust crumbs in the bottom of.
But I ALSO knew that I HATED all the cereal boxes that would pile up in our pantry... making it look cluttered and smaller then the space already was!
So I used this wire crate... again found at DI for about $1.00... and ditched all the cereal boxes and just rolled the bags down with a clip and shoved them all in here!
Nothing fancy...
But I like it!
Our hot cereal mixes are in this basket too.
I didn't put the pancake mix in a container, because I always need the instructions, and we use quite a bit each time we make a batch so I didn't know if it would be worth spending another $5.00 on a container.
If I DO decide to do one, I was thinking of cutting out the instructions and just taping them on the backside of the jar :)
But for now, the bag sits tucked in the corner, by our other breakfast items.
*Keep Heavy, Less Used, Clutter Prone items down low.
Things like my large bottle of oil, vinegars, soy sauce, season salt... and such are stored low, and hidden.
I don't want to have to go to my "alternate storage place" to grab these items, but I don't need to SEE them all the time either.
Can goods are another item that our family hardly uses, still need at hand but tend to clutter our pantry!
I always had cans set up at eye level. But I'm loving them down low and stacked on risers now.
So much more organized, and I can actually SEE what I have :)
These milk crates were $3.00 each, at an annual antique garage sale that my sister in law introduced me to.
I put some of those padded protector disks on the bottom again, to protect the shelf.
I LOVE the look of the old faded wood and metal bound corners :)
They just add a fun personalized element to the regular storage go-to containers, for pantry's.
Ya...it's kind of a mess inside... but I tried to keep things in there that I will be using in the VERY near future... to save me too many trips down to our
Can good risers were from my Mom. She gave them to me a long time ago but I'm thinking they were from Target.
I can't imagine them being more than a couple of dollars.
And again... Here's the BIG PICTURE! :)
For OUR family, this set up is working AWESOME!
I haven't and ANY problems... and am really pleased at how well everything is working out :)
For OUR family, this set up is working AWESOME!
I haven't and ANY problems... and am really pleased at how well everything is working out :)
I've already had a few people who have seen our pantry say...
"My kids would be eating that stuff like crazy!
I can't believe you keep it out, and within reach!!!"
I hate to say this... but honestly... my kids don't really have this problem.
They get what they want in a small bowl and then put it back where it goes...
or pretty close, anyway :)
I was worried about the chocolate chips and such, but they haven't even touched them!
I also keep my kids juice boxes, string cheese, yogurt and applesauce down low in the drawers in our fridge, so they can get to them easily, without my help.
Same with their cups and bowls and such.
I know that this doesn't work well for ALL families, but that's how we've ALWAYS done it...
so it's not really a "privilege" for my kids... therefor they don't abuse it.
Does that make sense? Hope so.
You could totally put snacks and such, up one shelf too high for smaller kids, to keep them from getting into things, but still easy for YOU to get to :)
In conclusion...
*Make YOUR pantry work for YOUR Family!
Everyone has different ways of accessing their food, and how they like to keep it stored.
But I promise that if you find functional, easy, clearly marked, (and cute doesn't hurt either) storage solutions for your pantry... you will be LOVING life, so much more!
Things will stay in their place, and your pantry will turn into
a space that can FUNCTION
instead of a place you put food 'n JUNK IN.
That TOTALLY (kinda) sounds like a RAP!!! HAHAHA.
Definitely my NEW PANTRY SLOGAN :)
Okay, so here's where I cut corners. LOL.
Just give me a break, OKAY! lol.
Try panting upsidedown... sort a' kinda susspended in the air, trying to support your body with one hand and paint on primer with the other.
I literally said...
"Forget IT! I'm done! Nobody can see these undersides when they look at it anyway!"
So I spent the time that I would have been painting THOSE shelves on more important areas of the kitchen :)
Here are some other spaces that I managed to get under control
Under the Sink.
(why does this still look like a mess? lol)
Extra bags and kids dishes
Pots, pans, and other baking and cookware
Drawer O' Utensils.
(tell me I'm not the only one who... until now, just threw every utensil in the same drawer... in a big heap, until you couldn't even open or shut the poor thing) LOL
The dividers are from Walmart for $2-$3.
There you have it!
From a
cluttered food closet,
to a organized pretty pantry :)
Side Notes:
Like I mentioned before, this pantry has NO light at ALL! Wasn't even included in the house plans...
I know. Weird.
(once again, pretty sure a man built this house... and didn't even THINK about trying to show off cute quatrefoil designs, or fun storage containers! ugh) hee hee
So hopefully we'll be installing at least a can light in here, in the near future :)
And as for the "no door situation"... well, I think we came to the conclusion that because we can't FIND, nor AFFORD to get custom doors made... that we want...... We're leaning towards just building them!
(well... I AM... Cason is just ignoring me, for now) ha!
We'll see what happens in the future...
for now, I'm just Perfectly Pleased with my "Pretty" Pantry :)
BRILLIANT! love love love your pantry, all the detail, labels color all of it. My pantry is the same size.. so when can you come over and do mine? lol! I have the same black utencil dividers as well, my drawer looks just like yours... water spots and all. WELL DONE! I now want container's for all my snacks, cereals, and all! Jenn
ReplyDeleteWOW!!!! I love LOVE love it!! The vinyl gives it that extra kick that totally puts it over the edge! We just finished our pantry earlier this year and I think I need to paint the walls again and try this vinyl technique!
ReplyDeleteWe put the old door that has a window in it back on so you can see into the pantry, so making it look cute inside would totally help!
Thanks for the inspiration and sorry for being so "wordy"....
www.eoberrys.blogspot.com aka Made with Love & Glue
Goodnight, girl, that looks like a stinkin' *designer* pantry! Definitely worth all your hard work. Fantabulous makeover!
ReplyDeleteOK - in response to "why does this still look like a mess" about under your kitchen sink.... check out this:http://neatheringourfest.blogspot.com/2010/06/closing-date-under-sink.html ... I may not be very good at doing a before and after project, but I can organize like a pro. ;) The pantry is BEAUTIFUL! I love it! Good job!!
ReplyDeletethat's the most beautiful pantry i've ever seen. don't put it behind a door!
ReplyDeleteIt looks AMAZING! I love everything about it...Will you do a post about how your new system is working in a few months? I have been tempted to switch to glass jars for storing a lot of my pantry items but am worried that it would get tedious to use, then refill, then to use them again...maybe I am just lazy?!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Oh my word!!! It is the most beautiful pantry I have EVER seen. :) I think I'm in love with your blog. ;) Thanks so much for the visit yesterday! :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. I was about to say that I would never close the door to the pantry because of all the work you just did and for how beautiful it is. But then learned you do no have a door so that works out. ;)
ReplyDeleteLOVE it!!! Our pantry has those annoying wire shelves that they put in all houses these days. So I can't put any cans or jars in it cause they're all wobbly. And I'm loving the gray color in there. Makes me want to redo my pantry!! I'm thinking I might try that color in my dining room :)
ReplyDeleteWow - what a wonderful pantry! I love that you put the snacks in see through containers rather than in their own packages. It makes the entire space very clean and tidy looking.
ReplyDeleteCome on over sister...I have a few areas that could use your help...ahem, just a few I swear~
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic post! I came over from Jens - glad I did.
WOW!! I am in love with your pantry. You dont even need a door with it looking THAT good!!! You could probably just sew/buy a single curtain panel and a suspension rod and hang a curtain. That way you can close it if you like. just a thought?
ReplyDeleteAnyways, super cute! great job!!
I'm in love with your pantry. You have definitely inspired me to get a hold on my own...can't wait to read more of your stuff.
ReplyDeleteThat is GORGEOUS! I love it Shelly! I love all the containers, vinyl, organization. Do your kids not sneak snacks or do you allow them to get it when they want? Mine would be all over those chocolate chips and even cereal. :(
ReplyDeleteLOVE!!!!!!!!! Oh how I wish I had a pantry to make all cute and organized. Heck, I wish I had a pantry to leave a mess. Dang tiny kitchen. But I love this. And someday, I want to steal it and put it in my house. Lol. :)
ReplyDeleteI clicked over here from Tater Tots and Jello, and WOW!!! This is an amazing pantry! Love the color and quatrefoil design, and all the containers and labels are making me have pantry envy! Ah-mazing!
LOVE IT! You are a genius! And i love how you are so detailed in your explanation! Good job:)
ReplyDeleteI think i'm going to use that color in our bathroom reno!
love your organization.....pleasing to the eye!
ReplyDeleteas for you water spots....go buy LemiShine! The liquid stuff and especially the powder stuff that you put with your detergent. It works wonders on hard water in your dishwasher.
Is this for real??? Seriously you FREAK!! It looks like something from a magazine!! It's AMAZING! Great job! And I LOVE the color!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE it! Like, love-it-would-marry-it-if-it-would-have-me, love it! I used that exact same color gray in my bedroom above a creamy white board and batten treatment. It's a gorgeous color. So great!
ReplyDeleteYou (and Cason ) rock !!!
ReplyDeleteThe pantry is fantastic and you are a homemaker extraordinary with all your tips and advice for sorting out your food and pantry space.
Want to know a secret? I don't have a pantry... I know! Can you image what my food storing area looks like???
You would die ;-)
Oh my gosh!!! This is AMAZING! I'm trying very hard right now to stay in the chair and not go in the kitchen and rip things out of the cupboards lol. You have done a fantastic job! Thanks so much for going through everything as well, I'm terrible at organizing and this gives me hope :).
ReplyDeleteHi! Visiting from new friend fridays. My grandparents were Smiths. They're both gone now, but I still love and miss them daily!
ReplyDeleteBTW- love the pantry!
YOU ROCK!!! Wait....let me say that again, YOU ROCK!!! What a makeover for sure. It is absolutely beautiful. If you want an idea for your pots and and baking dishes amanda at kevinandamanda.com just posted about organizing that stuff. She has some great things I think you would love.
ReplyDeleteOn a very different note I need to ask you a question. I know you don't do hair for anyone but do you know of someone who is good that I can go to? I usually get mine done in AZ by a friend but I'm not going anytime soon and I am dying with these roots. I have tried several different people here over the years and have been disappointed. Don't know if you could recommend anyone.
P.S. The offer is still on the table for a few pictures you want edited:)
Your pantry looks awasome, gives me inspiration for mine:).. For your spots on measuring cups try a product for your dishwasher called LemiShine. We get it at our local Wal-Mart, because our water here is so hard. Took care of the spots first time we used it.
ReplyDeleteOh My! It's perfect!!! I love the whole look and your organization skills rock!! :-)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous pantry. Love the quatrefoil vinyl. I may have to use that somewhere!
ReplyDeletehey shelley! i just recently redid my pantry and i actually used very similar items! some the same! i feel pretty nifty now because of that! ha! however, i didnt paint! i love that paint color! hmmm! and i totally understand about the hate/love relationship of redecorating a space! i am going through that right now in my masterbath! you did a great job! thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGirl, you've got great taste! Luuurve the beautiful color and the design...I say it again, it looks just like a photo out of a magazine! WELL DONE!
ReplyDeleteWOW!! Great job, I love the quatrefoil vinyl! Thanks for all the tips on how-to organize, I think you and I have the exact same pantry!
ReplyDeleteIt looks amazing! So much work put in for a pantry! It's worth it to look inside and see it so pretty I bet.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is supercute and your pantry is incredible! I wish I could devote that much effort to my pantry. I think your organizational skills are great and you've put them to good use. Well done!
ReplyDeleteWow!!!! That looks amazing!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is truly amazing - so pretty I don't know even what to say!
ReplyDeleteThat looks absolutely amazing! I bet it is so much easier to use as well! We had to buy a stand alone cabinet to use as a pantry in this house and I had big plans for it but it is pretty deep so I struggle with it so much. All well... I'll just admire yours! lol
ReplyDeleteOh My Goodness! That looks incredible and I am so jealous! I LOVE pantries!!! Way to go!
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty safe to say that I have a crush on you.....I just adore what you did, so much of it looks like my pantry that I wonder if were were separated at birth...but then there are some great new ideas too. Just found you and will be back for more.
ReplyDeleteLove this...obviously. But I am about to change your life. I'm not sure if UT Walmart carries it, but two weeks ago my neighbor introduced me to something called Lemi Shine. My dishes are AMAZING. Like, BRAND NEW looking after every wash in the dishwasher. I swear we have the worst water HERE too. Try it. You'll thank me. I promise. (And if you can't find it, let me know & I'll figure out how to send you some.)
ReplyDeleteI have fallen in love with your new pantry. I'm visiting from Friend Friday Hop. I'm also your new follower.
ReplyDeleteUmmm...okay, i think your pantry looks better than my WHOLE HOUSE. I officially hate you.
ReplyDeleteBut I heart your pantry.
Such a quandry.
eh, whatevs.
Great job! :0)
And P.S.--I'm GLAD you didn't paint the underside of the shelves--shows you're HUMAN like the rest of us :0)
ReplyDeleteOh, and P.P.S--I have a "snack drawer", which my kids have also never abused. They ask, they take, they put away. I get questioned about it all the time too!!
Okay, that is just beautiful! I am not kidding...beautiful. Great job! I love your paint choices.
ReplyDeleteThat is truly the most beautiful pantry I have ever seen! I am alternatingly jealous and inspired!
ReplyDeleteUm, is it wrong to be jealous of a pantry? I just wish I had one that wasn't the size of a shoe box, let alone such an amazing one! You rock!
ReplyDeleteWhy would you want to hide that exquisite pantry with a door??? I totally love it!
ReplyDeleteIt looks so good and gives me great ideas for my own pantry that Im going to redo soon! Except mine is the cabinet kind not all open and nice like yours.
ReplyDeleteOh and we have hard water too...try using vinegar in your rinse instead of the jet dry. Works so much better for the spots!
I am at a loss for words. Look at that organization! I might need a brown paper bag for some deep breaths. If you find the vinyl missing from all your glass jars...I have NO idea where it went! (and don't come looking for it either....) I was feeling so sad to see the gray covered up...but if it's covered by awesomely labeled and cute containers, by all means, cover away!
ReplyDelete(random note to self: Stop using a large size cinnamon bottle to mix Cinnamon Sugar. And then writing "sugar" on it with a sharpie!)
I don't think you need a door. For heaven's sakes...let all the world bask in your pantry. Heck, I might bring a sleeping bag and see if I can sleep in there!
I bet you feel so good about it. And you should. In fact, you should have a huge welt on your back from all the pats you're getting.
I hate to say this, but I'm going to....This makes me sick! LOL! It looks better than the nicest room in my house! I can see this in a Better Homes and Garden magazine. Great job Shelley! By far, this is the most beautiful pantry I have ever seen!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful and inspiring. Dare I?
ReplyDeleteWOW Looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Looks like it came straight from a magazine. You did a tremendous job I wish I had a pantry I could make look this great!
ReplyDeleteI seriously love EVERYTHING about it!!
ReplyDeleteSHELLEY SMITH!!!! This is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I am in love with it!!! You did a wonderful job!! Your very hard work paid off!!! sooooo awesome!!
ReplyDeleteThis is incredible! Truly amazing and PERFECT! I so enjoyed reading every part of this.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! It is wonderful, beautiful, I love it. . . What a great idea Quatrefoil. You know I love quatrefil. You are over the top! Thanks for sharing. karie @ karieschiccreations.com
ReplyDeleteAmazinggggg grace how sweeeeeet the pantry....(singing with my Mariah hands) Just so pretty!!!! I have the same corner pantry as well! Now time to take some of your advice and study my pantry...it's been off limits for so long now I might just have the boys sleep in it to get reacquainted:0) I LOVESSS the vinyl. LOVE!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, it's beautiful. Love the gray color. I'm going to have to try that one. I'm hosting We're Organized Wednesday and would love for you to join if you get the chance. Hope to see you there. http://organizeyourstuffnow.com
ReplyDeleteI never knew a pantry could be so beautiful! Wish you'd do mine!! I LOVE the gray - good choice!
ReplyDeleteu are the organization queen...lol I need you in my house pleaseee1 Hehee
ReplyDeleteBeautiful!!! Loving the quatrefoil...and all your glass labeled canisters...and the baking supplies crate...and your spice packet thingy! Genius! The whole thing looks so great! ...but what the heck does one use "vanilla whey" for, anyway?
ReplyDeleteFound you from Jen - so glad I did. I would totally want to sleep, eat, you name it in that pantry! I'm your newest follower. :)
ReplyDeleteWOW WOW! This was certainly worth the wait for the reveal. I LOVE IT! It is soooo organized and clean looking. You did an amazing job. (sorry for the threatening e-mails. ;-))
ReplyDeleteNO WAY ~ that pantry is amazing! I love the molding glued to the front of the shelves. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing all your projects and ideas!
ReplyDeletehow amazing. and i thought i was a label making fool. lol. only now i want it all in vinyl. haha. better start saving!
ReplyDeleteGreat job! It looks fantastic.
ReplyDeleteso-were all the threatning emails just from me? or did someone else bug you as well? Hey, isn't that what friends are for!
Really-gorgeous. Only your could make your pantry look that cute.
Since you are so good at organizng and labeling and such, and you were willing to show your cupboars online-want to come to my house and do that for me???
Really-worth all the hard work!
Now-what should our next projects be?
Very nice. Not only organized, but very pretty!
ReplyDeleteI am on my feet in applause!! :) We are in the middle of unpacking from a recent move .. and revel in your order and organization :) It was my happy place for a moments break between unpacking and breaking down boxes :)
ReplyDeleteWell done!
Ruth :)
That looks awesome!!! Love all the jars with the vinyl labels.
ReplyDeleteYour pantry looks amazing! I love the quarterfoils here (I usually don't). Thanks a lot of the organizing tips too. My pantry is a mess and I wish I had more storage .. it is like a little shoe closet with shelves. :(
ReplyDeleteAwww, I want a pretty pantry!! ;) I love every bit of it...great job! My pantry is on my very long list of 'to do's'. Maybe when school starts I can tackle my pantry. Thanks for inspiring me!
ReplyDeleteBig job-totally worth it! And yes I have had the love-HATE-love again thing with projects-I think it goes with the territory...
ReplyDeleteDead. I am dieing over your pantry. Who knew there was so much love in a pantry, Bravo friend, so worth it, and it looks like you put a lot of time into that baby. Oh, and we have the awful hard water here too, have you tried cascade complete dish detergent? It's the only kind I can get to work for me, it's a little more pricey, but so worth it!
ReplyDeleteI love it!
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only crazy one about stuff like this! For Mother's Day last year my husband asked what I wanted and I said I wanted all the organizing items for the pantry and the day to spend doing it. He thought I was trying to pull one over on him or something. I feel you sister!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like it is right out of a magazine! Beautiful and very inspiring. Now you have me thinking where could I do this at in the new house!! Love the color on the walls and all the organizational ideas :)
ReplyDeleteHope you have a fun weekend!
I know you are already linked to 100 blogs, but I had to link back to you. I am in AWE. And completely dumbfounded. And a wee bit jealous.
ReplyDeleteYup, that pretty much sums things up.
Awesome job Shelley (and hubby!)
Ah! I LOVE it! Totally been waiting for this post, and so worth it! Seriously, there's no spot in a home that doesn't deserve to be pretty. Amazing work.
ReplyDeleteLooks amazing!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow...what a pretty pantry! I don't have one and am sooo envious, but I did get some great organizational ideas from you.
I just love your new pantry! The painting to the organizing... all perfect! I'm in love with gray paint lately and plan to use it throughout my "new" home as well. Great job!
ReplyDeleteWow Shelly! You are amazing, truly. I love it and hope someday when I grow up I can have a pantry just like it!
ReplyDeleteFrom one Shelley to another - that is AWESOME! How did you find the time? Good job.
ReplyDeleteShelley, I have to say that I am in love with your pantry...I never thought I would say that about a pantry :) I have to say that you have an amazing ability to turn things from blah to beautiful & useful. Which I have to say is one amazing trick. Now I think you should take a little girl trip with your girls & come visit AZ, stay @ my house & help me become functional...because girl, I am a mess :{ We could totally plan it for when Kim has her baby...I might sound silly, But I am so not joking, he he. You are amazing!
ReplyDeleteOutstanding! Will you come and do mine?!!! I have a beautiful pantry, but people get something out and knock things off the shelves. They wouldn't dare in this gorgeous pantry. Maybe after the summer!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! AMAZING!!! Your pantry is bigger than mine, but surely I can adopt some of your cute ideas! I loooove it! Thanks so much for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteI have pantry envy! I never knew a pantry could look so good. Thanks for the inspiration. I plan on becoming a follower. I hope you'll come to my blog and follow me as well. I'm just getting started. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWay to go Shelley! Beautiful as always. Love ya!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pantry! I've never seen functional look so fabulous! It was worth all that work.
ReplyDeleteWOW!!!! AWESOME!!! :) Someone needs to turn you into a magazine to show it off!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour pantry is more beautiful than any room in my house. Awesome job!
ReplyDeleteI am beyond jealous! I need you to come do mine the exact same! Awesome job! Thanks for sharing at It's Party Time Thursday @PonyTails&FishScales!
ReplyDeleteLOVE!! Such a fun space!
ReplyDeleteThis is quite possibly the best thing I've seen all week. Beautiful pantry, wonderful organization. Thanks for all the details. I've got a project to begin!
ReplyDeleteWow! You have inspired me to re-organize/decorate! Thanks. You really did a great job!!
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant, beautiful, functional and glam...I do feel honored that you linked up this week! Amazing and I'm honestly inspired to get my pantry fixed...because after seeing this, I'm convinced it's broken. -shaunna :)
ReplyDeleteCan I say that I just love you! I've been following your blog for a while now and am just absolutely inspired every time I look at it! This...I am definitely doing...if only just the organization part! I can't wait to get started! Hmmm Maybe I'll even start tonight! On a Friday night! What else do I have better to do with my weekend ;) Anyways, my pantry is about the size of yours. Seriously! How do they expect anyone to fit in there to grab items, let alone paint! Sheesh! I have the same situation-no light. Which isn't always helpful. I've had in the back of my mind to get one of those little round, battery operated lights that you push to turn on, that you can just hang in the pantry. Maybe not a long term thing but for short term, may satisfy your light cravings!
ReplyDeletethis is the most gorgeous pantry i've ever seen in my life! :D
ReplyDeleteyour pantry is amazing!! great job!
ReplyDeletefor hard water spots you have to try lemi-shine. it will change your life! well your dishes lives anyway. ;) it's available at walmart by the dishwasher detergent and target too i think. about $4 and you only need a 1/2 to 1/3 of what they say you need. works amazingly well.
Okay, so I think I could move into your pantry and be completely content. It's gorgeous! I have a similar layout and style to my pantry but I just couldn't deal with having to move all the "ugly" stuff to other cupboards. No one in my house would cooperate with me on that one! So I'll just sit back and admire yours!
ReplyDeletewow girl! that was a long post!!!! But just right for the subject. Looks as good on your blog as it does in real life, just like you!
ReplyDeleteLove ya,
First time to your blog - what a great transformation. Great photos and I just love that you showed us the un-done side that no one can see. :)
ReplyDeleteMy best-Diane
Swoon! I love your pantry!!!!
ReplyDeleteI stopped by via New Friend Fridays at The Girl Creative
Oh my goodness...I can't believe I have gone this long without being a follower. I am a very happy one now! Your pantry is amazing, can you come over and help me with mine? I am visiting from New Friend Friday. Nice to meet you new friend.
ReplyDeleteJust gorgeous! Love the gray color and the vinyls. Looks like a professional job!
ReplyDeleteHope you don't mind (lol you probably won't) I posted a little thing on my photography forum (clickinmom.com) about your site:) There are over 8,000 ladies on it so hopefully you can get even more readers.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend!
Incredible! It's like pantry heaven. Love everything. I will be contacting you for labels and making a run to ikea for all those oontainers. Thanks for the inspiration. LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteLoving your pantry make over! I'm wondering if it took just as long to post this, as it did for the makeover itself! We really appreciate you doing it though! Totally feel inspired. It's great that there are so many low cost options to store our food items! Thanks again. (You could totally put off being a pantry consultant...but you probably don't want to look at doing another pantry renovation after this big job!)
ReplyDeleteI'm obsessed with pantries (probably because I don't have one) and I had to post and say yours is probably the prettiest one I've ever seen! Thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI've never seen a pantry like this Shelley! You are amazing! Wish you could come do mine - it's got wire shelves and it's a HUGE mess!
ReplyDeleteGreat job!
Over the top fabulous!!! Jealous Jealous Jealous...must go eat away my sadness :)
ReplyDeleteIt looks so great!! I love it! We had to build a pantry door too...we made it pretty simple with a piece of wood, framed it and then painted it with chalkboard paint. My kids love the big space for drawing and on the top of it I usually write our family schedule on it and whose day it is and all the fun family things! Good luck with yours!! I love your website!!
ReplyDeleteI love what you did, Shelley! Everything looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteHands down, this is PROJECT OF THE YEAR!!!! I'm so madly in love, I can't stand it. I printed out every. single. picture. I wish SO badly that I had a pantry. However, I think I might just have to search a closet I can do this to. I'm in LOVE.
ReplyDeleteOkay...I don't know if anyone else has offered yet, but I want to buy your house whenever you're done re-doing everything! (You ARE almost all out of projects, aren't you?! Perfect! Time for you to find a new house to sprinkle all of that adorable creative energy all over!) I'll even leave the great state of Texas just to come live in that precious home of yours. I wish we were friends in real life and then you could come over and give me a little inspiration. No chance you'll be coming to College Station, TX anytime soon, eh?
ReplyDeleteAll that to say...I LOVE it...nice job, as always!
I am featuring this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com so all my viewers can be sick and jealous like me! I'm still wishing I HAD pantry!!! (even if it looked sick!
ReplyDeleteit's so pretty, you don't need a door. :o) amazing work! thanks for sharing! i LOVE all of your containers and how you labeled everything. i especially LOVE the labeling you did on the crate... gorgeous!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou really did a fantastic job, I'm so jealous! I think I might have to do some cleaning in my pantry! Thanks for the motivation!
ReplyDeleteOh my FABULOUS! It was well worth all that sweat and blood you put into it;) Great job! You go girlie!
ReplyDeleteJennie @ Cinnaberry Suite
It's GORGEOUS! I wish I had a big pantry to do this too! Thanks for the inspiration :)
ReplyDeleteIkea, check. Wally World, check. I've been looking for items that would look good in cabinets with glass doors, thanks a bunches for the ideas and I absolutely love what you did to the place!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog. Just found it today.
ReplyDeleteBTW we had awful water at our old house. Then I discovered LemiShine! Try it! You will never have water spots again. It is usually next to the jet dry and so much better!
Fantastic! I am so doing this! I don't have a pantry but I have a large cupboard that needs organizing in the worst way! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThere are no words to describe how FABULOUS your closet is. Yours entire blog is 100% awesome!!!!
ReplyDeletePantry looks great. Great tips. I will definetly work on mine this weekend!!!
ReplyDeleteJust "found" you this afternoon... You make my heart SING! Beautiful pantry!! Can't wait to scour the rest of your blog!!!
ReplyDeletewow, ingenious! I'm tired just looking at all you did. I love the way you painted the wall... I've wanted to try stenciling, but now that I see it this way I'm thinking I'll have to do it! Found you via just a girl and I'll be following you!
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome! You totally inspired me to organize our pantry. And I am not easily inspired in the organization department. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this post and for showing that you don't have to spend a lot of money for storage. I found some great things at Walmart for $3. I even did a post about it. http://jaredbetsy.blogspot.com/2010/07/from-ridiculous-to-sublime.html
ReplyDeleteThe title says it all. Thanks so much again!
WOW! I don't have an actual pantry, but this is inspiration to tackle our cabinets and messy lazy susan!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I swear I've seen pushlights at IKEA that are battery operated?
So beautiful!! Love it!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness gracious! I LOVE your pantry! The gray color you chose and the pattern you used~ PERFECT! It's amazing! I loved reading the story of the process, too. I was cracking up the whole time, because I've SO been there when working on our house! :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I can't remember if I posted about this already......but if I did, I'll say it again...this is FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! You ROCKED this pantry, girl!! Good GRIEF - it's CRAZY ORGANIZED!!!! I love it! I'm not sure anything in my home will ever be that organized, but hey, if not, I'll live vicariously through you! Seriously - FANTASTIC job!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! I literally wanted to cry becuase of how gorgeous your pantry is. Seriously! I'm in love! Even my hubby came into the room when I was admiring it and stopped to look at it's beauty with me. Fantastic job, Shelly! If I could do our pantry half as good, I'd be happy. :)
ReplyDeleteYou don't mind if I just stare at your pantry pictures today, do you? You did an amazing job! Off to check out your line of vinyl :)
ReplyDeleteCan I just tell you that I've been walking around with my laptop to every family member I can find (visiting parents right now) and showing off your amazing pantry? All to the reaction of "oooh, I'd looove to have that!". KUDOS to you. Your blog is fab-u-lous. As a writer of my (blossoming) blog, you are SUCH an inspiration. Please keep doing this forever and ever so I can KILL myself laughing at your hilarity and sponge in your talents :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness that is the cutest pantry I have ever seen. I think you have inspired me to paint something in the back of my new open shelves. Well that is after I recover from painting all the cabinets (which between you and me, may take awhile). Gorgeous job!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, you have a ton of comments, but I can see why. That is the most gorgeous pantry I have ever seen and of course organized too. Thanks for joining We;re Organized Wednesday. I think everyone will be talking about your pantry for a long time.
ReplyDeleteOmgosh you have the funniest most entertaining blog ever. Not to mention your projects are great. I'm following now and so excited to be. :)
ReplyDeleteStevie @ Home is Where My Heart is!
I've never seen such a beautiful pantry! This is definitely inspiration for me to finally finish my half-painted pantry. Way to go! :)
ReplyDeleteYOU are beyond out of control!!! And this is why you are my famous friend :) seriously fyi people in my ward are obsessed with you and they didn't know I knew you while they were going off ;) Love ya!
ReplyDeleteFound you through Just A Girls' Show and Share day and I LOVE what you managed to do. I need to organize my pantry and this will help motivate me!
ReplyDeleteWow what a lot of work. Your pantry looks absolutely gorgeous. The trim, the vinyl, the glass jars, oh my! I would love to have that kind of space to work with. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!
ReplyDeleteI’m having a new link party “Cheap Thrills Thursday” starting this Thursday the 29th. It’s for creative ideas that cost under $20. If you have a project you’d like to share, I’d love for you to stop by and join in!
AMAZING! I'm in awe! Love love love it!
Hi there! I'm new to your blog. And in lurve. :)
ReplyDeleteRe: your pantry, let's see here. How do I say this nicely, as well as quick & simple? Oh, I know.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesomeness!!! LOL :)
I can't organize my house with 4 little ones, yet you can do THAT? To a stinkin' pantry?? You rock!
Brilliance girl, brilliance. :)
Very nice to meet you. :)
Just found your blog... I love your pantry, it is beautiful! However, I think the thing that gave me the biggest "A-ha!" moment was the basket with your kiddy bowls in them! What a brilliant idea. I REALLY dislike having the ugly, but much needed, plastic bowls with our other dishes. This is a great solution.
ReplyDeleteYour pantry is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! I have mine on my to do list and you have given me loads and loads of ideas.
ReplyDeleteThat is truly inspiring! My pantry is very organized, but not nearly so pretty! It's on my "wishlist" to do in another couple of years when I can order my pantry shelving system. Very beautiful!
ReplyDeleteLOVE IT. The container ideas are really practical & pretty. I've got several hideous cupboards crying out for this kind of thing. YAY for your great job!
ReplyDeleteWow...clever girl!!! It almost makes me wish I had a pantry!!! lol, sigh, alas it is not to be with my tiny space, but i will definitely keep it in mind for down the road...good choice on color~
ReplyDeleteJust love this! Dontcha just want to live in there?!
ReplyDeleteWow. Wow, wow, WOW. I don't know if you'll have time to answer this, but where did you get the labels for your jars and bins? Are they vinal? Love! So in love...
ReplyDeletewowzers!!! that's AMAZING!!! :) can you come to my house??? :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! I recently did a post on my blog, too, about organizing the pantry. Little buggers were our motivation! Mine has stayed neat and tidy for over a month and a half now--a big ta-da for us! Mine was more nuts and bolts though--I love how you "prettied" yours up. I have one of those metal storage containers from Ikea too going unused...I may have to repurpose into the kitchen!
ReplyDeleteYou've totally inspired me to pretty my pantry!!! I'm all about the organization, but I've used my Tupperware up until now. Now I want it PRETTY like yours!
ReplyDeleteLove this and would love to know the depth of your shelves!
ReplyDeleteMy pantry goes under the stair way and there is just deep plank shelves (kinda like linen closets) I have toyed with the idea of narrower shelves that create a "u" shape hoping to be much more orgnaized!
WOW!!! Just... WOW!!!!!! This is the first post.. that's super long... that I DID NOT "skim" through! I read it ALL! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!
Book ♥ Soulmates
I just found your blog and I'm in love. Your pantry is a m a z i n g !
ReplyDeleteThis is seriously unbelievable!! One question though?? why no door??
ReplyDeleteI emailed this post to my mom right away as she is in the midst of a pantry redo. She doesn't read blogs .. she was like .. HOW does this woman find the time???!! LOl .. but where there is a will there is a way right? We are both very very jelous pantry people right now. Good work!
I love the pantry!!! Just found your blog...and have spent too much time looking at it and saying to myself..."Oh, cute...Oh, I want to do that...Oh, what if I did that..." LOL
ReplyDeleteI love to use old things and add them in...I love old doors and windows...soooooo
****When you are ready for any kind of door on the pantry...DON'T cover/close it up!!! It is so nice and airy...find an old wooden screen door with the pretty ornate middle and corners, ya know what I mean? Paint it up and hang it...you can still see all your hard work in the pantry but yet it kinda sets it all off...ohhhh I wish I could do that, I love old screen doors....my mind is racing, my husband is not gonna like that I have found your blog...heeheehee
Fabulous. I know you are going to enjoy it for a long, long time. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! I love love love your pantry makeover!
ReplyDeleteAs my 6 year old would say "You Rock Sista!"
Helping you store what matters most!
love the pantry and i feel your horrible water pains...try lemishine...my target and wal mart carry it next to the dishwashing soap...LOVE IT!!
ReplyDeleteYour pantry is stunning! I'm so thankful I stumbled upon your blog...your very catch phrase ~ 'taking it one space at a time' is my approach as well. Thanks for the wonderful ideas and I'll be back for more!
ReplyDeleteI'm your newest follower!
I am so in love with your pantry. It makes me envious...and inspired. I want to beautify and reorganize our pantry: http://ourhumbleabowed.wordpress.com/2010/06/18/things-i-love-about-our-house/ If only we had on IKEA!
ReplyDeleteI love how you redid your pantry! I wish we had a pantry to redo, I thought about turning our kitchen nook into a pantry, but I still have hope that we will eventually put a little table & chairs in there. I saw these jars used for cereal and thought about your rather large cereal collection (we have one just as big if not bigger!) Here is the first post.. http://maluukkonen.blogspot.com/2010/07/candlelight-beige-antique-glaze.html
ReplyDeleteWhich originated from this post.. http://missmustardseed.blogspot.com/2010/03/gorgeous-glass-canisters-tutorial.html
Thanks for the inspiration! :)
Loved your insight on pantry coolness! We are remodeling our home, and found a great place to buy doors and trim, that is reasonable. It is called "East Coast Door and Trim" Located on Higley and Guadalupe. Definitaly worth the drive to check out the prices! Just a thought. Their website is www.ilovetrim.com.
ReplyDeleteWow, this look GREAT, Love it. I wish I had a pantry!
ReplyDeletelove love love love the design. that is the color i have all over my house. flagstone gray :)
ReplyDeleteThis may be a pretty silly question but I would LOVE to do this to our pantry but right now it has those awful cabinets people use in their garages in there...how could I go about getting shelving like this for the area? It is the size of a regular closet with sliding doors.
ReplyDeleteLove the pantry! Wonderful job! Here's a tip for your pot cabinet: turn your pot lids upside down into the pots they match, then stack the pots on top of each other. Makes for a much nicer presentation and you always know where the lid is when you need it. ;) Can't wait to see more!
ReplyDeleteAmazing! The last few weeks I have been so annoyed with how out of control my pantry has become - yours is great inspiration!
ReplyDeleteOMG, incredible! THis is just so lovely.
ReplyDeleteI found you from Vintage Revival, and love your site.
I just found this and I am in LOVE with your pantry redo.
ReplyDeleteI don't care what plans I have to change I am going out tomorrow to get some jars/bins/baskets to get mine more organized.
Amazing! Thanks for the inspiration...
I totally get why you wanted to sleep in it! LOVE IT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNicolle Bangerter
Awesome! Wish my pantry was half the size. I have now found a project for tonight once the kids are in bed. No painting here, just a massive clean out and organise. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm back to drool over your pantry again- can't get it out of my mind:) I'm going to feature it on my blog next week!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness... this is FABULOUS! What a terrific makeover!!!! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog.
I love this! It looks great! I definitely need to do some organization in my pantry, which is actually much much smaller than yours.
ReplyDeleteI love the look of the flour and sugar, etc in the glass containers. I've stored my flour and sugar in them and I really want to do my powdered sugar and grown sugar in them. I was just wondering if your brown sugar gets all dried out and hard in them? I can't find any glass containers with good seals on them (only plastic ones). What do you think?
Okay, I recognize this pantry. Do you write for the Daily Herald??
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm so inspired to do something with my pantry now!!! Thanks for the ton of tips!
ReplyDeleteI love it and thats so funny that you chose flagstone gray because I fell in love with it as well and my entire foyer is flagstone. Its my favorite room in the house :-)
ReplyDeleteAll of your hard work paid off. The new Kitchen Pantry is awesome. I put it on my blog today linking back to you.
My readers are going to love this post.
Amazingly neat pantry...now! Just lovely design features.
ReplyDeleteI will have to do this before I die (j/k)... So beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWow. This is amazing. I will dream about your pantry tonight!
ReplyDeleteI just saw your pantry & had to do a post on it. It makes me want to go home & clean everything out. NOW!!! Thanks for sharing your hard work.
I just found you...and I am a little jealous of this pantry you have...LOVE it. I don't have one right now in my kitchen. I have a big cabinet in a storage closet in my basement that I use right now...does it work...yes and no. But, we are having one made...It will not be a walk in one, but I am hoping it will work.
ReplyDeleteAnd we have twin girls as well...they are 3 1/2.
Love your blog!
I think I commented when I first discovered your before/after pictures...but I have come back to oogle again. I truly LOVE LOVE LOVE your pantry...has it stayed looking almost as perfect looking as your pictures with regular use?
ReplyDeleteI featured this post on my blog today. Check it out here if you are interested:
-Alisha @SnugasaBugBaby.com
I absolutely love the wallpaper in the pantry. Its so unexpected, but I love the idea of making a pantry look special. I can't wait to have a large pantry one day : )
ReplyDeleteI love this! I just found your blog and I can't wait to look around at all of your other ideas!
ReplyDeleteInspiring! We are getting an Ikea in Denver next fall! Awesome! I love the photo of the kitchen counter in stage 1. Happy Thanksgiving!
I just love your pantry! It inspired me to makeover my pantry as well. You can see it here: http://theguenters.blogspot.com/2010/12/pantry-makeover.html
ReplyDeletethat is freaking awesome! great job! i love your honesty! jamie :)
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing! Seriously - you are my inspiration! Even your before pic looks better than mine now, lol! I am seriously going to do this! I just drew out a ghetto blueprint for my husband (I'm SO not kidding =). Gonna do it, gonna do it, gonna do it....after I finish the nursery, of course ;) Still have priorities! =)
ReplyDeleteMy first time on your blog and the first thing I read about is this pantry redo. And I do really love this post... I'm quite in love with organization and you really did an amazing job! Congratulations!!!! If you let me do a post about this article on my blog, I would love to make a link to your blog and speak about this pantry redo that you did on my french blog, Creation, Coeur et Passion. Please let me know if I can...
ReplyDeleteLooks awesome! I'm jealous, I have no pantry. I don't know why you felt like you had to justify your vinyl. Vinyl is cheap, if purchased from the right places. Your molding was probably the most expensive part. I LOVE your pantry! Awesome job!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the stencils! Esp the mix of fonts on the 50 cent crate! Great post! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI have the same pantry, and I take everything out and re-organize about once a quarter...I LOVE your individual containers. Also....I have the same water problem, and we found a product called 'lemishine' that you can get at walmart or Smiths (maybe other grocery stores too, but these are where I shop) I only use about half of what the the instructions say and it cleared EVERY single pot of off EVERY single one of my dishes!!