
My Flawless Face Foundation Must Haves!

I've been talking a TON about beauty products I LOVE on Instagram stories, and so like I promised to all of you there who wanted and needed more permanent links to reference, I'm sharing my flawless-face foundation faves here!
They are basically my go-to products that have helped me disguise my active adult acne, previous acne scars and even those stupid age spots😁. Who knew being in your 30's would be soooo glamorous! ugh lol

So here we go! I've listed each product, why I use it and an amazon link to purchase it (amazon prime users UNITE! lol) OR you can get all of these at Ulta, if you'd rather just walk in and buy them!

1. SMASHBOX Photo Finish Foundation Primer
If you've never used a makeup primer... then gurrrrrl, get TO IT! It's a GAME CHANGER I kid you not and you only need a little bit! I've used a ton of different ones, but in all honesty I keep going back to this Smashbox primer, because it makes my skin feel buttery soft and seriously gives me the BEST results for a smoother skin look when putting on my foundation and concealer.

2. Bye-Bye Redness Neutralizing Correcting Cream
(This is a better price at Ulta, so here's the link for that!)
I have a LOT of red in my skin, and this product has become a quick new favorite. I JUST found it about a month ago, but I've been using it everyday right before my foundation to really help hide super red blemishes, unwanted redness on the balls of my cheeks, and along my jawline where I have some red splotchiness happening.
I used this product alone on my best friend who has way better skin than me and likes a more natural look, just to help even things out, and she pretty much didn't even NEED a foundation after at all! I was so jealous, but also in awe of how cool this stuff was!

3. SMASHBOX Studio Skin 15 Hour Wear Foundation
(It's a few dollars cheaper on Amazon, I've found, than in stores)
Yes, Yes and YESSSS!!! This stuff has totally surpassed my old foundation, and I can't say enough good things about it! It's definitely a full coverage, and there are a TON of colors to choose from, so you shouldn't have a problem finding your shade. I use the 2.1. It has a yellow base, to help cancel out my red skin tone. I really don't have to use a whole lot, honestly, to get the coverage I'm looking for - so that's a huge plus! Literally about half the amount of my old foundation.
Also, it definitely stands true to it's "15 hour wear" promise. My coverage with this product is awesome at the beginning AND end of the day.🙌

4. Bye-Bye Under Eye Anti-Aging Concealer
Literally the ONLY concealer that doesn't leave a massive amount of weird, gathered, makeup streaks under my eye. You know what I'm talking about right? As I've gotten older I have more and more crease lines underneath my eyes for product to settle into, and this concealer (with primer underneath) has been my saving grace! No more wiping under my eyes all day long, wondering if I have product hangin' out there!

5. Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge
This is by far the cheapest I've found them. They're even more pricey at Walmart and WITH a coupon at Ulta. So stock up on amazon instead. Not much to say about these, other than they give me the most flawless foundation application! I get mine wet, then ring it out completely and even squeeze it between a couple of paper towels... then I apply my foundation with it, and it slides on beautifully!

Oh! And one more thing I forgot to photograph is my makeup setting spray. This is the ultimate trick for the looooongest lasting wear, after ALL your makeup is done - I promise you. There are a couple of other brands I want to try out, but I've stuck with this All Nighter for the past few years and it's never let me down!

6. Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray
(way better price on Ulta, so I linked to that)

Let me know if you try any of these, and what you think! AND if you have any foundation favorites that I just HAVE to know about, please share them! I love trying new things!!!💗
See ya on Instagram!!


  1. Your post came at the most perfect moment! I've been on a quest for a foundation that doesn't slide off my face by noon or oxidize. With a primer, without a primer (I'm trying that Smashbox primer, now!) Tried the expensive brands and I am not impressed at all. Looks like I'll be making a lil' Amazon haul today! Thanks so much Ü

  2. Would love to see you apply everything from start to finish....including brows, eyeshadow, blush, etc.

  3. Porefessional primer by Benefit is the other primer I use for my nose and other pores that aren't playing nice that day. I also use that same primer and love it! Eye shadow primer is the new thing I swear by! Too Faced or Lorac has amazing ones!

  4. Love the Smashbox primer...it's a game changer. I have been using Bare Minerals Serum Foundation. It literally takes now to two drops of it. I apply it with a foundation brush and it is fabulous. Love it for summer because it is so very light but gives a good even coverage. I also like Tarte's Sea Mist setting spray. Who knew spraying your face could set your makeup?? I also like Tarte and Urban Decay's eyelid primer. Keeps my eye shadow on all day long. The Tarte one is designed to also be a base color to even eyelid color if you don't want to wear eyeshadow.

  5. Thank you so much for walking us through your favorite products. I am always trying to find a foundation that will give me that flawless look I crave, but I am not a natural with makeup. I usually just use Bare Minerals. Recently though, instead of just covering up my skin I have been concentrating on fixing the issues that bother me. I have acne prone aging skin in my 30's too because of PCOS and Rodan+Fields skincare, especially the Unblemish regimen has been the only one to work for me. I loved it so much that I became a consultant so I could help others who struggle with skin concerns. If you would like more info just check out my website khanback.myrandf.com. We have regimens that help with sensitive red skin,aging skin and sun damaged skin as well. I find that I am wearing less and less makeup everyday as my skin looks better and better with consistent use and it is giving me so much more confidence. Honestly, I just wish I had found this stuff years ago. Okay,the infomercial is over now. You just mentioned your skin issues and I wanted to let you know that there is an actual solution other than covering up...Thanks again for the tips. Have a blessed day!

  6. What shade of eye concealer did you buy?


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