
Monte Carlo Movie Night!

Who's ready for the weekend!?!?  I AM!
This whole past month the girls and I have been OBSESSED with this song that we keep hearing on the radio, by Selena Gomez.  Have you heard it? ...

(I may or may not know all of the words... ehhhmm) lol

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I'm LOVING the positive lyrics (probably because I have young girls) and it's just super catchy, all around.
Well, I just realized this past week, when working with one of my sponsors, that this song actually plays a big part  in the cute new movie with Selena Gomez coming out tomorrow, Friday July 1st, called Monte Carlo!

The movie is about a girl named Grace (Selena Gomez)...an ordinary girl, who becomes an accidental heiress, when a summer trip to Paris, turns into the trip of a lifetime!  Grace, with her best friend and step sister find out discovering, through this whole adventure, who they really are.
(hence the song)
Here's the trailer, so you can get a sneak peek for yourself.

Doesn't it just look FUN!?  Who wants to take their girls and go with me!?  I KNOW my girls will love the "princess dresses and cute boys" heehee
I'm totally a sucker for romantic comedy's like this. ha!  Mostly because you KNOW it's gonna' be a "feel good"
You can get your tickets early, starting June 29th by going to Fandango, and you can also read more about this cute movie on the Monte Carlo Facebook page.

This post brought to you by Monte Carlo. All opinions are 100% mine.
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  1. Looks so cute!! Gotta take my daughter!

  2. hahaha I laughed out loud when I saw this song on here! My husband and I (yes, my husband!) sang this ALL day yesterday. Haha, it is a cute song though :)

    Coley at www.whatyoumakeit-coley.blogspot.com

  3. We're going Saturday morning at 11:30! My 11 yr. old daughter is very excited.

  4. Looks SUPER cute! I want to go! :) That song is so catchy too. Love it!

  5. OMG. My daughter is going to go nuts (and maybe I will a little too....?). When is this coming to Australia? Definately a mother/daughter bonding moment! Thanks for the heads up. Kylie

  6. This is currently one of my favorite songs, too! Selena Gomez is, imho, gorgeous and talented in many ways. I love that she's grounded and aware that she has the potential to set profound examples to so many young girls, teens, and women, and so chooses to be a GOOD one. She beams of admirable qualities all around. :")
    I think this movie is one that I would like to go see with some girlfriends in theater, just for fun. I haven't been to the theater in a long while, so it's about time!

  7. Oh...my daughter has already BEGGED me to take her to that movie! We hear the song on Radio Disney all the time...oh that Radio Disney...those songs keep going through my head even when we aren't in the car any more! :)

  8. My 4 year old has been singing this song and I agree, love it! And I love these kinds of movies as well. My hubs made fun of me when I DVRed Lemonade Mouth...but it was so worth it!


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