
Mad Lib Monday @ Is this Really my Life?

So one of my cutest bloggy friends, Emily Hill from Is this Really my Life 
does this really great post each Monday called, Mad Lib Monday.  I totally spaced posting about yesterday, so here it is today :)

She asked me if I would play along this week and also answer some other funny questions for her...
OF COURSE! ha! ... no need to ask me twice!
Head on over to Emily's to check out how my Mad Lib turned out, and some other answers to questions like... "What is your go-to drug of choice?" and "Which famous person would you want to be stranded on a deserted island with?"
... for those of you who know me... you probably won't be surprised at my answers. ha!


  1. Thank you so much for letting me feature you! It was SO much fun! You are super fabulous! :)

  2. haha i enjoyed reading that! we used to play "bucking bronco" at my grandparents house except for ours we subtracted the bed and played right on the living room floor or even attempted the trampoline many times (reminder: this was before the fence thingys were made for trampolines) ahh the joys of an unprotected childhood!!! haha
    I am new to your blog as of last week found it through pinterest (love that place) but I have read back in time and tried to catch up a little bit so far i love your blog (:

  3. I checked in on your blog recently and clicked on the Smith family. Looking at your bathroom tutorial. You guys are just adorable, you seem like such a blast and just a good time!! I love it. Keep up the F A B U L O U S work!!!!! ;)


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