
Great Posts you will Want to Read

I love my blog world.
There are just so many fun, talented, insightful woman and posts out there.
Here are a few of my favorites that I've stumbled upon this week, that I wanted to share.

Do you agree or disagree?
I'm in the middle somewhere.
While I love a staged home ... I don't want to feel like I'm in a house where everything is for sale.

Little Green Notebook

I go through this battle in my brain ALL the time.
I love how Jenny puts my her thoughts down in a post for me.
My opinion... Do whatever you love.  It's YOUR space!

The Stories of A to Z

I don't know if I've ever felt more glad, embarrassed, sad, proud, and uplifted
all in one post!
Partially because I've thought a few of these "not so nice" things,
(human nature, I guess)
 and then also, because I've been the recipient
of some of these hurtful comments from others.

As Beth puts it so well...

 I am calling on you (bloggers) to use your words to uplift,
encourage, bless, motivate,  and strengthen!

I love that quote the best :)


  1. Great idea to share great posts!

  2. thanks for sharing these,i'm gonna go check 'em out. i think all of these have crossed my mind at some point. x

  3. The post from Hooked on Houses is so true! It makes me laugh and reassures me at the same time that it's ok if my home stays grounded and away from over-decorating.
    Her post reminds me of this hilarious blog that takes catalog pictures and sarcastically makes fun of the ridiculously things staged in homes!
    For a good laugh:

  4. I really appreciated Beth's thoughtful post. And the one about being overexposed to design put into words exactly what I've been thinking about lately! Thanks for the link-love for my post, too. Have a great Thursday! :)

  5. I LOVE Hooked on Houses and looking at all the homes that have been in movies:-)

    I can't imagine getting hurtful comments...sorry that has happened to you...

    As my blog grows almost 1200 GFC now...I have read that the bigger you get the meaner the blog world gets...really??

    Boy that would really take the FUN out of sharing useful tips....

    Chin UP...you're amazing!

  6. Honored to be included in your recommended reads :)! Thanks chica!

  7. I LOVE Julia @ HoH!!! I've been reading her blog since Day 1 - mainly because, as Dan likes to put it, (and I've said it before) but I'm addicted to House Porn. ;) It all looks good, but it's rarely the reality. And yet, I am still lured in. My house looks perfect for an hour here and there maybe once every 6 months. But it is a GLORIOUS hour!!!

    I'm sorry about the yuck comments - I think it all stems from jealousy really. That's a mean and tough emotion to get control of. I think we've all been there, but acting on it is never a pretty or lady like thing.

    Wanted to ask you if the new session with Emilie was the blog one you emailed me about? Isn't she the cutest - I loved her instantly when I met her at Oh Sweet Sadie!

  8. Thanks for this - I somehow missed that overexposed post - heading over to check it out!

  9. I've already read and loved Beth's post. She is awesome! I just read the others. I had to laugh at the one about your house being a store. Currently my house looks like a lego/dirty sock store. Awesome.

  10. i read the "overexposed to design" yesterday. loved that post. i have had the same thoughts often...sometimes having so much inspiration at your fingertips is a blessing and sometimes a curse. i definitely think it's a blessing more often. :)

  11. Thanks for sharing these great posts!!

  12. I really thought Beth's post was amazing and such a reminder to everyone participating in this blog world the power we have to uplift or tear down...and if it becomes the second what a great opportunity we will have all lost.

  13. If you want another blog to read you should go here:
    medicalschoolmama.blogspot.com ;o)

  14. All three of these were great. Thank you for linking them.

  15. I read Beth's. Wouldn't it be great if people always used their words to uplift! Online AND in real life!

  16. I totally loved that last link to that post about uplifting comments!! Makes me want to think more about what I do post...Not that I ever say anything negative..but it makes me realize I might need to reread before I post a comment just to try to hear a different tone than the one I intented. Amazing. If you have negative comments I feel they never need to be voiced. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and don't need others negative comments in their/our lives!! Love it, and your blog!!

  17. Thanks for the links - I'm looking forward to reading Beth's post. Hubby and I were just talking about this last night after I had read an unkind comment on someone else's blog. I am glad she put into words that we should support each other - especially with our words.

  18. I agree with Lori!

    Lady, you are one cutie pie, don't let a negative word anyone says slow you down for one second! I used to tell my preschool kids when someone called them a name. If they called you a giraffe would that make you a giraffe? No! Rise above it, most of us know you all are not perfect or live in perfect worlds. You share that stuff too!


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