
What to Wear for Family Pictures

{Family Portrait: What to Wear?}

Aubrie running around like a crazy person...
Me sweating bullets, and trying to keep my hair looking like it actually has ANY body
Our photographer almost hyperventilating, due to all the "backdrop" possibilities we stumbled onto, downtown
The girls begging for their "prize" that we promised if we got "good" smiles...
and Cason...
Trying to stay calm... while running after Aubrie and jumping into shots with her, the last second.

Thanks Laci!  You're my hero, and I adore your artistic style,
hopefully we got at least ONE good one, with that crazy baby of mine.

Laci gave me some really good advice.
Wear the colors that are already in your home... that way when you print your photo or canvas, it fits right in with what you already have going on with your decor!!!
Smart lady.  That's why she's the BEST :)
I think I did a pretty good job.
oh... and don't worry... Cason and I wore pants during the ACTUAL photo shoot... hee heee


PS.  I made all the flowers here (except for the ones on the twins's shirts)... If you haven't already seen a tutorial for them...
No worries!  I'll share mine! :)
They are to DIE for CA-UTE!


  1. I LOVE the ensembles for the picture....GREAT colors! And, I DO feel your pain on "picture freak out"! I have 3 girls and it is a major chore getting ready for pictures...UGH! But when you get a good one, all the pain just disappears {just like childbirth!!}

    Can't wait to see how they came out!!

  2. Um...could you show me how to make your flowers...like...tomorrow? Ha! We are going to disneyland and I need the PERFECT flower headband to match my daughters cinderella dress:)

  3. I'm crying laughing!!!! Seriously your didn't even exaggerate. So funny! And true :) These are pretty cute you may Love them :) Love you!

  4. Perfect, those flowers!!! Oh my gosh I can't wait to see!!!

  5. Dude!!!!! I'm dying right now!! We are getting our family pics taken on Tuesday night and I'm stressing so bad about what we're all going to wear! Your post is perfect for me! I'm positive you'll get some great shots, you guys are all so stinking cute! I can't wait for you to post them- I'm already jealous of all the awesomeness for back drops you have access to up in your neck of the woods. The outfits you picked are seriously perfect, and adorable, I might add. Here's to hoping I can pull it off too! Wish me luck!

  6. Shelley! If you haven't had your photos printed on canvas yet, please consider my shop! (http://www.etsy.com/shop/myfineart) I have great prices & my customers love them. If you want to read a reference, visit Edie: http://www.lifeingraceblog.com/2010/08/my-friend-julie.html

    I'm sure the photos are great!

  7. Yes, please share your tut for the flowers. Very cute!

  8. Ooo...I can't wait to see the pictures. Aubrie's outfit looks so cute!

  9. Family photos are soooo hard. I can't ever get my girls to do the same thing at the same time. :s Love your outfits!

  10. I know exactly what you mean, family pictures always stress me out but I am always so thankful for the beautiful pictures when they're done!

    Your outfits are fantastic, love the colors! Where did you get the girl's tops? I LOVE the flowers and am so excited you're going to share a tutorial!

    I just adore your blog - Thank you!! -Kelly

  11. I love all the outfits! So cute! Also, YOU always look so cute and put together. Please, please, please tell me where you buy all of the clothes and accessories you wear.

  12. Smart photographer and smart mom! I love those flowers :)

  13. I can't wait to see the outcome - they are going to be so cute!

  14. I hear ya, we just did our family pictures yesterday and I felt the same way. But when I saw them I was amazed at how many great pictures we really got.....I bet you will LOVE yours!

  15. that is a great idea! I would have never thought to do that ... but it works! And you did a great job making it all work!

  16. HAHA!!!! Totally sounds like our family picture experiences...LOVE the outfits, and what an awesome tip! CAN'T wait to see them :)

  17. What a fantastic tip about wearing the colors in your home! Brilliant I say, brilliant!

    Many Blessings,

    PS - I'm looking forward to seeing both the photos and the flower tutorial! :o)

  18. Love the outfits! I'm sure your family pictures came out just perfect!

  19. Can't wait to see your pics. my family is going to be taking famiy pics next month. Need some inspiration. And, please post your "how-to" on the bows. They look adorable!

  20. That is great advice!! I love your outfits. And you made the hair flowers. So cute!


  21. Can't wait to see the finally pictures. I have always dressed my family to match our decor.I thought I was the only crazy one that did that.haha... I find that I buy clothes in the colors of my home so it's easy to do.

  22. Hi. New follower here. Love your blog. When I try to click on the pictures on the left of your spaces it just takes me to photobucket, but I can't see the pictures. Any advice? Thanks.

  23. Oh, I've been procrastinating family pics for WAY too long 'cause they're so stressful... thanks for making me laugh.
    Your outfits look DARLING - can't wait to see the picture - hope you'll share!

  24. Love your blog! Love the cute idea of matching outfits to home decor! Can't wait to see how the pics turned out!
    Tab from inspiredbygiving.blogspot.com

  25. so cute! you must share with us when you get them back! although i must say the pictures of your body-less clothes, give kinda me kinda a creepy feeling...i'm just saying....


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