
Positive Reinforcement

{On Day's like Today...}
When it seems like,
the kids were possessed by some evil force,
at 5:30 I JUST got out of the shower, to put BACK on my pajamas,
tried to attempt 2 home projects, and get a few vinyl orders done, and sadly accomplished nothing...
looked through blogs, got a bit depressed and wished I had, could get, or steal 90% of OTHER peoples decor and beautiful rooms for a day
(to replace my disgusting mess upstairs)...
I just have to keep telling myself to think like Jessica...

What a great outlook on life, this little girl has.! :) LOL LOL LOL
Her Mom must be proud!
Jessica video from youtube


  1. I watched that like 3 times..I wish I had that kind of out look on life everyday too lol!!! Ehh poopy days come with being a mom unfortunately! I have days where I just hop in the shower and don't want to come out because I hear the husband and baby screaming on the other side of that door, but once the baby falls asleep, and the husband and off playing his video games, I feel like the luckiest woman in the world :) It also doesn't hurt that I give myself a mani, or pedi, or some sort of beauty treatment to celebrate ME TIME..even if it's a 10 minute break while the baby's napping lol :)

    Hope you feel better! & I think your house is gorgeous. In blog land we never see the messes anyway!

  2. She is Awesome! We all need to start our day out like that.

  3. Oh my gosh-this is adorable. What an upbeat little lady.....watch out for her!

  4. OMG - That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Jessica!!!

  5. hmm, funny...I check your blog, and wish my house looked like yours. Been in a blog funk lately...if you haven't noticed lol! I'm trying to get it back...but sadly, many of my days have been like your today! Let's go to lunch, and forget about all our troubles! :)

  6. You are being WAY too hard on yourself! Look at what a beautiful house you have..so many people would love to have one room in their house as gorgeous as all of yours! Myself included. Working full time is the same way. All you want to do when you get home is do one little project you have been contemplating in your head all day but then LIFE happens and you end up spending time with your family which is GOOD, not bad. Hang in there!

  7. Wow! Thanks everyone for your sweet words!
    Tomorrow is a new day, right!
    And maybe after Glee tonight, I'll start in on the project I wanted to do all day, today?!?!?!?
    That way tomorrow, it won't be such a BIG undertaking... because it's already a 1/16th of the way done???? LOL

  8. Oh dear...I wish I could have YOUR house. Mine is in the middle of war-zone central AKA remodel! I love your creativity -- you have an eye for design like no other...

    Tomorrow is a new day!

  9. I don't know what you are talking about. I never seem to have these problems my house is perfect, my children are well mannered and never sassy or make a mess. My home looks like something out a magazine all the time....LOL! yeah right it is a war zone around here 24/7. Your home is amazing and I wish i could steal the decor out of your home. If you could only see what my house looked like right now. We have been without furniture for going on 3 weeks now I have steps without carpet for going on 5 years molding not attached to the wall. Don't worry about it hun we all have these days...we all do need to be like jessica! Thank god tomorrow is a new day!

  10. Whaaaaat? If you EVER feel that way again go lay on that bathroom floor and gaze up at that gorgeous bead board ceiling and repeat her mantra!

    I guess we all get like that some days. I feel like I have been that way for a year with our basement under construction. It goes from 1) messy house to 2)We are slobs with tools on every counter to 3)I'll bet so and so has her basement done by now since they have $$$ to 4)and she goes to the gym too to 5)oh my gosh how did I get so fat? to 6)I should make the kids some cookies to 7)I can't because I can't find my counter to 8)the basement again.

    Vicious cycle I tell ya. ;)
    That video was cool, that little girl has got it right!!

  11. I am laughing so hard right now- your day sounds EXACTLY like mine right down to not getting a shower until 5:00! I just found your blog last week and I'm in love- with your posts, your style and with every room in your home! It's fabulous! If we lived in the same neighborhood I think we would be friends! Sorry your day was such a bummer but keep on keepin' on with your blog- checking it is a regular part of my day. Can't wait to see your new projects! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  12. Love it!! I needed to see that today!
    Know that you are not the only one who feels this way-you are in good company!

  13. REALLY?! This was me yesterday! SO POOPie. Thanks for being real. It helps to know I'm not alone...thank you! I am so envious of YOUR house. All the great things you've done and are always doing. I think we just feel like there is always so much more we can do! AHHHHHHHH! We WILL drive ourselves crazy! I hope your day is better today. I know the POOPIES WIL NOT WIN ME OVER TODAY! Smooches!;)

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  14. Oh that was too cute!! It really brightened my day, I hope yours is better today! I can't wait to see what your new project is! Watching Glee will make it all better LOL!

  15. LOL... I LOVE all these comments this morning... and YES! Today is a BETTER day! lol.

    I EVEN have my WHOLE upstairs cleaned and vacuumed! GO ME! haha.

    After I get caught up with some emails, I'm off to finish up a new picture project Cas and I have been working on

    Thanks again! You're all so sweet, and know how to give a girl the lift she needs! :)

    Hope everyones having a great day!

    PS... does writing comments here... do much? SO MANY of you don't leave contact info, so I can't write you back a quick thank you! Whats up with that guys! I WANT TO TALK TO MY READERS! :)

  16. PPS... Cason read your comments and said... "Were you fishing for compliments or WHAT?"

    WHAT??? NO WAY! (I then punched his arm... HARD!)
    So... please don't think that was my intention... I'm just trying to keep it real, and on a some blogs I read, I love when they do just that! Makes everything a bit more personable.
    So... please don't feel the need to sooth my "so sorry for myself... self-inflicted drama" LOL

  17. This is hilarious! And I am pretty sure that everyone just wants all of your decor! You're awesome!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  18. :) - I'm in a funk today - so the Jessica video is VERY much appreciated. What an awesome girl!!!
    Made me smile and I needed that, thank you!!
    Funk days pass - and then we move on to the next happy day! :)

  19. I love your blog! I know you already have quite a following, but I got an award recently & wanted to pass it along to you!


  20. Okay, I think we should all start our days by watching that and repeating it in the mirror!!

    I love her!


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