
Designer Blogs Giveaway!


So you may have noticed, if you click through on your readers that I have changed my background on my blog, here at House of Smiths!
Quatrefoil for life, baby!... lol. jk.
No, but really... I LOVE it!
I have to be honest... I'm pretty blog savvy when it comes to about 90% of what I want on my site.
I can do a lot of "blog-pretty-ing" on my own... but, I've also had some help along the way from others.
One of my most FAV blog designer, companies though, has to be
If you're searching for a "new look"... stop now! :)
If they can deal with THIS picky girl, they can deal with ANYONE. lol.  My designer Amy didn't stop till my background design was PERFECT!... and not only THAT, but they have SO many different options for EVERY blogger out there.  You can purchase just ONE item you need help with, like personalizing your header......or go for the WHOLE ENCHILADA and get an ENTIRE blog makeover!  I love that! :)
Here's a little more about Designer Blogs:

Designer Blogs specializes in custom blog design and premade blog design for personal and business blogs. Each custom design at Designer Blogs is created to reflect the style and personality of the client, rather than the designer, which is why every custom design created will always be tailor-made and 100% unique. If you want a smaller price ticket, premade designs might be the way to go. The premade designs are a great way to get a one-of-a-kind blog design for only a fraction of the cost of a custom design. Because premades are pre-created, there's no wait in the queue. Once a premade design is purchased, it is removed from the store to assure each your design remains 100% unique! 

Designer Blogs can create for any style...whether you want a "Scrapbook" type design,

or something more "Clean and Simple!"

or if you have some fabulous photos you want featured, their designers can do that, as well!
They offer AWESOME promotions for new AND existing costumers alike, and if you are looking for something FREE?  Check out their FREE backgrounds and tutorials!!!
There REALLY IS something fore EVERYONE over at

Okay... so are YOU ready for a blog makeover!?!?
Good :)
One lucky winner will receive a premade blog design of their very own, that will be customized by one of the great ladies, over at Designer Blogs!

Here are a bunch of ways to Enter:

1:  Visit Designer Blogs HERE and tell me which items YOU would pick,
to help "pimp out" your blog a little more :)

2:  Follow the Designer Blogs, blog HERE

Also... Designer blogs is offering House of Smiths readers 10% off their purchase if you place an order before October 15th!  woot woot!  It's a win, win! :)
When you order, just include in your order form that you came from House of Smiths! :)
the 10% off cant be used with other discount codes or offers other than the returning customer discount
Good Luck Ladies!
Please note:  This giveaway is ONLY open to House of Smiths subscribers/followers.
If you aren't yet doing so, please feel free to subscribe, via blogger or another "reader"


  1. I would love a FULL BLOG MAKEOVER! I'm talkin' Plan D with LOTS of mix & match options! Pick me, pick me! :)

  2. I "liked" Designer Blogs of facebook!

  3. I would love to have them design a photo header and I would love to have my own button also. They really have some great stuff.

  4. I would love a full blog makeover too...start fresh with something clean and simple and a cute new font. Oh I would love it! chelslawrence@gmail.com

  5. Woot! Lots of great options. My friend and I are getting ready to launch a new blog so I need the whole enchilada. Plan 'D' all the way. The appearance aspect is so important!

    I did all 3 options. Thanks to the great ladies over at Designer Blogs (and House of Smiths) for such a generous giveaway!

  6. i like designer blogs on fb!


  7. I would love a new header and some fun button tabs. Great giveaway.

  8. I would love love love a full blog makeover! Thanks for all the inspiration! -Michaelle

  9. I seriously need help. I would take any package. I don't even know how to make a button.

  10. i would absolutely LOVE an entire blog makeover!! maybe they can figure out things i can't :)
    hope i win!!


  11. i'm a follower now :)


  12. I want some new buttons and backgrounds

  13. mmm what would I choose? A clean and simple header and a fun, clena background! Sounds lovely to me:) Lots of fun stuff they have - and great prices!

  14. Drooling over Sunny, mod squad and bailey!

  15. I would take anything really! :) Probably a new header at minimum and work up from there!

  16. I 'like' Designer Blogs on Facebook.

  17. I am a new follower of Designer Blogs.

    Kristy Owens

  18. I just started blogging last week so I am pretty sure that I could use everything. Maybe a header or some buttons would be a good start!

  19. I am following their blog now! I love their style!

  20. I would love the whole shebang - entire blog makeover. Their prices are so reasonable and they have done so many blogs I know! Thanks for hosting the makeover!

  21. id take anything! i just need help!


  22. im followin their blog!


  23. im a fan on fb!


  24. I would pick the Bailey design. So cute! I'm blogging everyday about our first year of marriage, and maybe a new design would help keep me motivated to write every day :)

  25. Girl, I am gonna be completely honest... I would have to do the whole shabang! I have been pondering starting my own blog and this would get my booty in gear (and take the fear out of it)! Thanks so much for being a rockin chick! LOVE you blog!

  26. I love the Photo Designs!! And I think the favorite thing to 'pimp out' my blog would be to have those headers on the top. I might be able to figure it out on my own, but I doubt it would be nearly that cute or interesting!

    Crossing my fingers!!

  27. Now I've liked them on Facebook!!

  28. Oh, I would love a blog makeover!

    I am a new follower of theirs!

  29. I think I would get package C and man... it will take me time to fully figure out what else I want.

  30. I have never seen such a great giveaway! I would love a new photo header for my personal blog or a plan D to start a photography business blog! Love this company! Thanks for helping me find them! Now a fan on facebook and a follower. You are the best Shelly!

  31. I think I get to enter again because I liked them on facebook? Anyways, love them!

  32. Do I get to enter again because I am following them now? Hope so because I would LOVE to win this giveaway! Thanks so much!

  33. i totally need help and would love a full on makeover to look purdy, id go for package c or d

  34. I would have the hardest time picking what do use. My blog needs a lot of pimping out! :)
    I'd love to have a blog makeover!!

  35. i would totally love a blog button so that fans could put a little "lifestyle maven" on their site : )

  36. Ooh! I would definitely want a custom title and a blog button! I olove the many different styles shown in the portfolio!

  37. I can't even tell you what one I would choose! I love all of those bright colors. I need something fun for my blog. I am trying to get it up and going. But it is driving me crazy!!!

  38. I would like a two column lay-out with a custom photo header. I also would like the vertical line divider and custom font. -Oh an etsy shop icon -All this and I don't have a blog or an etsy shop but hey a girl can dream huh? :-)

  39. I am totally jonesing the chic design

  40. I would love a full blog makeover - especially since I haven't felt inspired by my blog lately.

  41. My blog is very new, I'm totally inept so far at organizing it and I. Need. Help. This would be awesome for me-- I think the basic package would be suitable. And I think I'm subscribed to your blog. Am I subscribed? I may need help with the internet in general.

  42. I would LOOOOOVE a full blog makeover. Something mine, all mine and no one else has! wah ha ha!
    no, seriously, they do beautiful stuff! I checked out their samples, beautiful!! even at the basic package they do some serious work!! impressed, I am!

  43. I would give ANYTHING for a refreshing blog make over!!! I love clean and simple looks- and i'm loving the one they made for casa de crystal! it's hard to have a cute blog on a small budget- i'm loving everything of theirs! thanks for showing us their services!


  44. I need a MAJOR overhaul over on my blog! I loooove her Clean and Simple Designs. So great! Thanks for the opportunity to win!


  45. WOW! Such a great website! I loved her Chloe and Sunny premade templates!!!

  46. I would pick the whole shebang if I won. I designed my current blog header and layout, which I absolutely adore, but I would love something professional!

  47. I would LOVE to make over my photography site blog! I'd do the Full package plus some add ons! :)

  48. Blog me beautiful my dear! I need to refresh my little corner of the world. I am starting to see a cobweb here and there. :)


  49. A full blog makeover would be super-fantastic!


  50. I pretty much would love a new header on my blog... maybe a facelift and also a booty lift as well. =)

  51. I would love a button & full make over.. I jut started my flower buisness and would LOVE help!!

  52. I found lots of cool stuff on her site that I NEED! Ha! Thanks for the chance to win.

    Warmly, Michelle

  53. Love the mix and match options! I'd love a custom header, and maybe a button and custom font for my post titles. Cool giveaway!

  54. My blog needs so much help I would take whatever I could get ;)

  55. I started my blog a few weeks ago so this will be a great start!!! I really like Bailey

  56. I started my blog a 3 weeks ago so this will be a great start! I really like Bailey!

  57. I would love a custom make over from them! I actually have one premade from them right now and I LOVE it!

  58. I would do a total makeover!!! Fabulous giveaway!

  59. I follow them on facebook! thanks for the great giveaway!


  60. I follow their blog.


  61. I would get a post background, custom font, and custom background for my blog!

    Thanks again!


  62. This is just the motivation I need to get my blog up & running! I would definitely add a post signature, post dividers & sidebar background! Ahhh- imagine all of the fabulous possibilities :)

  63. I like the idea of having my own custom blog font. Thanks for the chance to win.

  64. This would be sooo awesome!! I would have to go with something clean and simple. Oh, I hope I win!!

  65. I would love a full blog make over!!!! I love Sunny!

  66. I have been wanting to get her to re-do my blogs!!!! hope I win!

  67. I'd love the "clean and simple" designs... all of them!!

  68. what I nice opportunity! I love the look of the "Bailey". Thanks Shelley!

  69. I Love them all... I'd have to chat with Amy my friend that works for her before I could decide!

  70. I would like a full makeover, I might would go with a scrapbook look!! love it!

  71. I am a follower and liked them on fb

  72. I'm a follower and I like them on fb. I really really want a custom button for my blog. And a header!

  73. I would love a complete makeover! What a great give away!

  74. I like a lot of ideas in their clean and simple design section and would LOVE some help revamping my blog!

  75. THis company is AMAZING! I love the people graphics! I've been wanting something like this for so long! I would take any of the packages! As soon as I read what the base package offered I knew this would be awesome!

  76. I would love a custom signature, and a background, and some buttons, and everything!!! Love i t

  77. I like them in real life and I like them on facebook!

  78. I'm a new follower and would love a blog makeover!!

  79. One of my goals this month is to blog more. These designs would definitely be motivation and inspirational. I love the clean designs.

  80. I would love the Camille pre-made blog

  81. Looking around her site, I would love this premade blog design: http://premadedesignerblogs.blogspot.com/

  82. Yes, I need help... and they have quatrefoil bath towels at Smith Marketplace (on sale this week). They are beautiful and I totally thought of you! I bought the brown and blue hand towel. Love it!!

  83. I LOVE their blog designs! Especially the scrapbook style designs. Would LOVE to have my blog "spruced" up by these ladies for sure!

  84. Shoot, you've got me Liking them on Facebook too!

  85. i would choose a pretty background and custom labels for the side bar and probably custom fonts. :)

  86. i am now following designer blogs. :)

  87. I'm now a follower and will be adding to facebook as well. I just spent OVER an hour of WORK TIME looking at the site....and I haven't even looked at everything yet! I have no idea what I would pick....but there are some example sites I liked in their package area. I just know my blog needs all the help it can get! :o) Pick me pick me!!

  88. I liked them on facebook. I don't currently have a blog...this would give me the push I need to start one!

  89. I also found Designer Blogs on Facebook and "liked" them.

  90. I found them on Facebook and "liked" them...

  91. I honestly will take any of it! I loved every single one I looked at!

  92. I love Designer Blogs!! Just a couple of months ago, I picked out a premade design for my "craft" blog and also had a button for my sidebar made... They are simply amazing! I worked with Lindsey and she had everything installed in a couple of days. Do your research and you'll see they're prices are beyond reasonable for what they provide.

    If you are considering a new blog look, Designer Blogs is the way to go!!


Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts and comments. We truly love and appreciate each one!
